
The Sleeping Dogs one happens more often than not if you get off a bike just a little too fast and it's especially annoying when hijacking another vehicle during a mission-the now unmanned (and out of your control) vehicle almost always runs off and damages property or hurts/kills a civilian, causing you to lose a

Yeah, she's pretty but a bit waifish for my tastes. True, though-it is an appallingly predictable choice lol

Didn't watch=comment invalid. Also, now you're attacking the the person and not the argument, indicating that you are truly lost. Good day, sir.

The personal preference on controller layout aside, this is the most widely supported by devs so it kinda wins by default. It's not my most or least favourite design but it works out of the box with the majority of games so we've all just learned to work with it.

This is outrageous and disgusting and I won't have it.

Didn't watch=comment invalid. Nothing to do with any kinja handbook, it's just about being a grown up.

This. I hate almost all of the new stripper-ey outfits.

Didn't watch=comment invalid. There's nothing more for you to do here except admit you can't show enough self control to sit through a 6ish min video before making uninformed statements, or stop commenting altogether.

Didn't watch=comment invalid. Any reasoning is irrelevant. Your position is indefensible.

I generally pick up 1 full price AAA game I'm hanging out for then get anything else on sale if it comes up/humble bundle/g2play etc. in the meantime until the big one is finished, then rinse wash repeat.

Sooo much better than the murrican rip off IMHO. If you haven't played Sleeping Dogs...

Didn't watch=comment invalid. Shame there's no 'negative star' icon.

Replaying FFXII emulated at 1920x1080 since they won't release the HD remake-it's surprisingly purty for it's age. Also just finished 100%'ing Sleeping Dogs on steam because Infernal Affairs the game.

lol exactly what I came to post *curtseys*

Fox Delivers Stupidest Report Possible

I should never take Smash this seriously.

Frame or lag cancelling. Has been that way forever.

See, now if you'd set the tree one to Haddaway's What Is Love, you'd have a real winner.

Aww, you were doing so well last time with no filler. Even my penchant for space porn will not abate my scorn. The rest was great though and having plenty of other quality clips sure help if you must have that sort of thing.