
Looks a lot like Middleham Castle cos that struck me as the easiest large thing to build when I started playing MC...back in 2012 as it turns out, can't believe it's been that long already...

Or both, preferably.

All Rational People Say It's Wrong To 'Ban' Things Inconsistently

It's a little off topic and I dunno about everyone else but twitch is kinda losing it's appeal to me for anything other than events like AGDQ or tournaments. The current influx of viewers and commenters on most streams is putting all the mods on high alert and you can't have a real discussion or have a joke between

I generally like to watch any movie based on another media as an independent thing because you will almost always be disappointed/annoyed by the differences that usually have to happen when you change medium (The Shining, Rambo, anything by Chuck Palahniuk etc.). I had a strong suspicion that they would have to

Yay! No filler this week! Good job and keep it up, Chris.

I Wish Monster Hunter Was This Cute

Or take clips of actual glitches, general gameplay or skill? The average views are anywhere from 100,000 to 1,000,000. That's a fact. That clip alone has a measly 50,000 views. The other timewaste clip was all over the internet. It's a pretty long winded. Didn't need to decide. And I am perfectly cheerful.

"It's definitely a pretty big gaming clip" <- That's what you decided. It's not in the spirit of the segment, no deciding there. And it's really just filler. And the majority think it's useless. You're the one getting all pissy.

Well by murrican standards he can't drink, so how grown up could he be? ;)

It's a shame he did them in Japan where they take these things less lightly than they would elsewhere cos they're quite clever. Hopefully he considers his audience better next time.

the only naughty bits on display are all ESRB-approved

"It's a pretty big gaming clip and a neat thing to fade out to."-that's what you decided. I didn't decide the spirit of the segment. I just said that other people and I don't like it.

I never said I was making the decisions-I could ask you the same, why should we keep in the spirit of showing them? I don't like them and other ppl don't like them-it's a lot of time filled and a dull way to close out the segment. It's just your opinion. Why are ppl so anti-criticism, man.

It looks decent and the music was fantastically 80's but the way you're all flogging it, you'd think you had points on it or something lol

At least she's not licking the damn thing.

Wow, ok. Just gonna stick with the stubborn troll bit huh? Until the fan submissions started pouring in, it was borne out of cool/random/skilled things that happen during gameplay. Now I'm sure that everyone put in effort on those timelapses/whatever but it's not in the spirit of the segment and it's really just

Well, they're not awful but great is a stretch-they may take time and effort, but there's not a lot of the same qualities that make them as good or a good fit for highlight reel as the random/unscripted moments or glitchy things that make it such an entertaining addition to the site. They're just starting to come off

Honest question-are you throwing in all the 'look at the pretty game' bits because content is scarce? Even a less impressive moment or a couple glitches are more in line with the sort of thing we've come to expect from this segment (don't get me wrong, I'm a fan).