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Nice, unbiased article, there pal. We answered this a long time ago.

Tricky part there is that they try very hard to make a movie for comic fans that go in hoping to see a shot by shot remake of their favourite stories and civilians alike, which can basically never be done (honourable mention, Watchmen with the exception of that awful ending). I think that would have been a great way

Reading a book is unlikely to have any effect on the IQ of the kid, and continuing to play games won't harm it. The parents need to educate him on what's an emergency and would require you to make that sort of call, the same way mine did and most other people. The kid could just be dumb, but he's not entirely at fault

You could be right-I mean the kid's parents have nothing to do with what the kid knows about the world so it couldn't be that. It's probly video games.

Not all that secretly, I'd say...

True. I was ranking that the most shocking however, rather than excluding anything else. ;)

Countries without proper public health care are far more shocking, but whatever blows your skirt up I guess.

The grossest thing in this was the abuse of the word 'literally'. Better luck next time.

Dustin Hucks was robbed.

I never said it was bad, I was just a little disappointed that I'd already played this version. Emulation is probly the best way to get a better looking game, take the unlikely-to-get-a-remaster-anytime-soon FFXII for example:

"Basic remaster" is the best term for it. Imagine a GC emulator running at 1920x1080.

I got my copy of RE HD from HK earlier last week and I hate to say it but you may want to lower your looks good and all, but it's basically the Gamecube version uprezzed-nothing wrong with the game itself but a bit anti-climactic.

Never before have the terms 'protip' and 'spoiler' been so underutilized.

Thankyou. I've always said (while I find him vacuous and painful to watch) that if he was less fortunate looking he'd be unlikely to have even a fraction of the success he has-if the girls like it, the boys say they like it to get the girls. Ages old story.

Top phrases I thought I'd never say:

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare launched with some issues on PC. Among them, the fact that you'd have to re-watch loading cutscenes every time you tweaked the graphics options, which is a flagrant violation of one of The Ten Commandments of PC Gaming. That flaw combined with the often desynchronized cutscene audio to

I think I'm gonna barf just watching that gif.

Are we not doing 'phrasing' any more?

I was worried it was starting to turn into glitch reel after last week but that was decent.