
I think I'm gonna barf just watching that gif.

I was worried it was starting to turn into glitch reel after last week but that was decent.

I don't disagree with it being unreasonable to force them to stock everything, I just didn't feel that this particular exclusion was justifiable and I'm glad to see it added back. I think the best solution would be to tighten up their exclusion criteria in areas that are actually quantifiable and give more deference

I certainly would appreciate any analogies to be topically relevant, thx. That one doesn't quite work though, because if origin/uplay were allowed to sell CS then they most certainly would, in the same way that wherever it can, Valve puts EA stuff on the store (e.g. Mass Effect and Dragon Age).

I feel that any online store that can strive to include every game possible, should.


Thankyou, I'd forgotten all about this. I'll go blow the dust off and see how much better it looks in pcsx2 now. You've made an old man very happy ;)

It never felt right that it was a shooter to me-that seemed to cheapen the core mechanic and I stayed with melee/just plain escaping wherever possible, to the point where the first time I finished it I got the test of faith trophy by complete accident.

No, your christian bookstore analogy is a straw man and I won't be taken off topic. A christian bookstore has clearly decided to, and promotes itself as a specialty retailer so there is no obligation to stock any other type of religious text. An online video game retailer that is recognized as offering all possible

Therein lies my point-for some ppl that's a dealbreaker, others it's not. I never said it was a total ban, but everyone needs to be mindful of their place in the system-devs create and stores, online or otherwise, sell. It's the consumers that choose. If there is no demand for a product then that's another matter

Wow, that's almost a Godwin's Law argument but regardless, that's not what I'm getting at-I'm saying there's virtually nothing that doesn't offend someone, so why not provide access to it, regulate it appropriate to age and let whoever wants to buy it have a copy and the rest can just ignore it? A few retailers have

Spot on, sir.

Then it may not be the game for you, but that's not a reason to stop everyone else playing it, surely?

I'm not terribly interested in the game itself but I'm now very glad they made it and fully intend to give them money because the stink they're causing is showcasing our irrational hypocrisy nicely. Look at where games are at the moment-if you really stop to think about all the things we see and are allowed to do in

As someone that has been cheated on, I now very clearly and early on in any relationship make my views on the subject known with the idea that cheating is "anything you wouldn't want your partner to see you doing with another person".

Hadn't seen that, I've just had many fun with it ;)

A lesson in international levels of common sense-a particular food is temporarily unavailable:

Hathaway is pretty good and Bundersnatch Cabbagewank is kinda ok, the rest are a little squiffy. The lesson here is that they need to release this game everywhere so I can spend hours making derpy imitations of celebrities for other ppl to criticize ASAP.

It's cool that they're doing it but they can't write worth a damn. With a bit of time, effort and crowdsourcing, this could be a great read.

Screw that and screw censorship. It's cool that they're doing it but they can't write worth a damn. With a bit of time, effort and crowdsourcing, this could be a great read.