
They're spending time doing something they enjoy around ppl they like-I'd say they're following the spirit of things to the letter. "Celebrating the holidays" is a highly subjective and forced social convention so it's also possible they simply may not be interested, like most ppl I know.

Really? I'm not the biggest X fan either but I don't know if I'd go that far...academic question: what are your feelings on IX?

That might come back to the part where they wanted to 'showcase' the games a little, also the reason they're showing all text and cutscenes?

Dirge was pretty good, and you missed out on CC, however if PSP is an issue...

I can't say I've ever seen a speedrun of FF7/8 (I'm sure they're around, just never thought it was a good plan to watch someone else for that long lol), but I was surprised to see the hate for 8 and 12 on their lists.

Wow, I thought I felt old after just reading the headline.

Or, play a friend's PS3 copy and enjoy it, hear it's coming to PC and happily wait a little longer while playing Watch Dogs (better than ppl seemed to give credit for, btw) and a few other pile of shamers, looking forward to kb+mouse controls and ultra settings.

If you have a rig hat can run it at max, then the choice is easy-if you were impressed with the PS3-PS4 comparison, imagine how good it will look on PC when you feed it all the resources it could possibly want-and that's BEFORE the modders get started with texture packs etc.

The funky beam is usually a sign of iffy construction, but the hilt blade housings could be cortosis weave.

Nobody likes bleach. They say they do, but nobody's ever actually bothered to sit through all of it. It could even be good, it's just that nobody really knows for sure.

Well they're professing the superiority of their choice of platforms, rather than of their own personal superiority so your comment of actually hating them is weird and built out of the same ignorance you profess to be railing against, but more worryingly, what sort of crowd did you expect at the WORLD'S BIGGEST LAN?

Luke Plunkett shared a post by Luke Plunkett

Luke Plunkett shared a post by Luke Plunkett

You doth protest too much...a case of e-penis envy, methinks?


We all know your logic is embarrassingly faulty, but just for personal amusement, why don't you tell us what you would have posted if the pic was of the same group of ppl holding up 'Yay Destiny and Halo!' or 'Controllers r teh best' signs instead, therefore illustrating your irrational need to cling to the 'Things I

I wonder how weird and superficial the rewards are going to get in the future, as they run out of things to reasonably add.

I dunno, if they make another then best case we could get the series going again and worse case it sucks, nobody plays it but we'll always have the original. The only thing that would really suck is if they don't do anything with the original and don't come to some sort of arrangement about the fan remake-I really

Try this, it's not all that bad now...