
Somewhere, right now I live in hope that someone is re-doing all the backgrounds for FFVII. With the updated models from the Ultima edition, that would probably be enough for me to die happy, knowing we had some sort of remake.

It's sad to see devs for other platforms adopting the system of 'rip off a popular game style/mechanic and add saga to the title' like you see so often on mobile, but at the same time I'm surprised it took this long.

The butthurt was faster than expected on that lol

I just don't get the appeal of Smash Bros. There, I said it.

Other than the general dickishness of swatting, what worries me the most is that you're in a culture where reports that he "had an assault rifle and he had placed explosives in the yard and he was holding a family hostage" is considered to so likely/possible and commonplace that it works so well.

FFVII/VIII, Skyrim and Deus Ex. They get all get a play through or revisit every 1-2 years at least. Honourable mentions: Metal Gear 1, 2 and 3, SF series in general and Fallout3/NV

Spot on, sir.

Which makes me a little sad/disillusioned as I agree wholeheartedly with PseudoHermes-cosplay is always 100% more awesome when it's for the love of the game.

You mean only do one major thing per X-Ray in stead of neck/ribs/skull/spleen/pinkie all at once? That could work. It's speed things up too cos they can break the flow sometimes.

The only problem there is that the options atm are Origin and Uplay. Desura has potential but has little to no support, while those other 2 are just awful. EA and Ubi need to understand that the app needs to stay out of the way and make it easy to shop, something that neither are even close to.

Yeah it seems like they're becoming like mini-fatalities but while a fatality ends the fight, these just let them carry on-while fun to look at, they need to be toned down/shortened a bit to take away a bit of the 'yeah, right, they're still able to move are they?' factor.

Interestingly, if you rearrange these they can describe the full range of thoughts I've had about the subject since I first heard:

Dumb is subjective, I think it could have been far worse. I would say the force being 'asleep' or more fittingly, 'dormant' is precisely what the awakens part is referring to and they didn't have an issue with overusing Jedi, it was boring and unnecessary political exposition that killed them (along with jarjar and

At least it's gaming related clickbait? :) Seriously tho, hopefully this gets plenty of attention and the media starts to make games look silly and nonsensical (I mean, more than they already do to in TV and movies, obviously) because of things like this and they start to do away with useless QTEs to try and remove

I still see no need for there to be 'interaction' at these points as there is. I also think there's a few (albeit silly in some cases and should have been handled better) unfair inclusions here. If there's a choice to be made, then ok. If there's a different story to be told through a decision, great. If I have to

"Press X" is Gaming's Most Ridiculous Moment

As I understand it, they're being charged with "promoting other people's infringements of copyright laws", which, in my opinion, is a charge that should be brought against Google, Buzzfeed ad nauseum if we all played by the same rules. The financially incentivised model for their user created content matched with the