
So do we add presumptuous to homophobic and possibly racist? I guess we could but there's just not enough evidence to support it. If nothing else, your lack of ability to understand supposition and speculation is only equaled by your misunderstanding of basic conversational styles and sarcastic humour in general but I

Wow, perverted and Dateline? Really? Should I mention my nationality so you can throw in a little racism with your homophobia? Who says I swing that way and what does it matter if I did? I mean I'm not the type stop anyone from doing what they enjoy and keeping your ignorance in check is no different-you're welcome to

I wish you would touch me. I wish you'd touch me in the most sensual and gentle of ways. If I make you laugh, that pleases me- I want you to be happy, and to make me happy in return by touching me like we both know I want you to. If I'm childish, it's only because you bring out a child-like innocence in me, a

*grabs you by the shirt*


From a male point of view:

Sadly, as soon as he gets there, they'd set him to designing new hairstyles and the FFVII remake would still be shelved.

This has become one of the best features on the site, keep it up.

That show was awesome! Dat Dee Dee...I'll be in my bunk.

Oh noes! I lost the battle already?! How will I be able to respect myself after having a difference of opinion with someone on the internet!!?? Don't attempt to come off as clever now, you barely literate fool. You say I'm a bit chatty? So chatty I may need to add a tl;dr from now on it seems-like you would with an

*cough* Wipeout *cough*

Yeah it may just be the engine (I haven't played with it do can't really say) but almost none of them get it quite right but you can see it once you know what you're looking for I spose.

Dammit, I came here to post that. How dare you think of the same funny things I think of? ^_^

Here's something I've picked up over the years-it's always best to read something before commenting on it...If you care to re-read my post, you will note that there was absolutely no mention of calling Cook an innovator or saying that he had replaced Jobs. If you had made a rational argument, it could have been along

Well, you certainly have raised some thoughtful and interesting points there, and I always welcome helpful and constructive feedback. If you were interested in a discussion about the current direction of the company after the change of leadership to Tim Cook-and the subsequent division of labour that has taken place

Life imitating art again.

Ssssshhh, it's ok now. It was just for science, you're safe here.

Cos you're clearly in late stages of 'GET OFF MY LAWN-itis'.