
All this really proves is that this is a fairly low def game and will run pretty well on a slow PC (consoles) and with minimal improvement on a fast PC (an actual gaming PC). All we're really doing here is comparing input methods-if you lack the coordination for extra skill buttons/like your gaming experience casual,

You used to be cool, LeJacq. ;)

It isn't, it's just different-that's the entire point of the article. It handles differently on console, and he happens to prefer it, just as I would prefer to chew off all of my fingers one by one than use a controller with Diablo. If it was actually better, that would genuinely be shocking-I prefer console for local

I agree, however if you can do that with the legs included in one stroke, I'll commission you myself ;)

I really couldn't say what the first series (the earliest I can remember was Bubblegum Crisis or Robotech) was but I started out with movies, specifically Wicked City, Golgo 13, Akira, Fist of the North Star and Castle of Cagliostro. That was the extent of the dubiously titled 'anime section' at the nearest video

No, everytime someone builds something this complex, it deserves attention. What have you built that's so cool and complex that overshadows theirs?

Pretty much this-I picked it up on a steam sale and had a damn good weekend with it. Not the slickest thing around but I actually enjoyed the memory edit scenes and wish there were a few more of them. In retrospect I would have paid $30-$40 happily but couldn't really justify a AAA price.

Mmm, another ridiculous article hiding under the mother's skirt of 'kotaku east'. Welcome, superfluity , grab a seat and get comfy.

Gotta go fast.

[slowbro news.jpg]

I kinda enjoyed it in a 'so bad it's good' sort of way. Plus, Alison Brie.

edy_pagaza — because this is some lovely work right here.

Also all the modules are part of the "core game".

Now, it's not that I'm not looking forward to these features, they look fun but if I could just offer a small bit of advice to Chris and the team-FINISH THE CORE GAME ALREADY AND THEN PLAY WITH THE FUN STUFF/STRETCH GOALS.

Insane? Not even close. Disgusting? A little distasteful perhaps, but certainly nothing that needed cutting-if anything, we need more reflection on how crappy ppl can be, the willful destruction perpetrated by the human cast is a nice contrast to the mindless destruction by the zombies-you can show any manner of

Yeah we've taken to calling it "Ppl making bad decisions' instead of TWD...


Genuinely a surprise to see WG ripped off that much-turns out everyone is happy to complain about how much they didn't like it but go back again and again...get some damn money and buy it if you're gonna play it that much ya cheap bastards.

Well, I dunno if it's the coolest. I suppose Ridge Racer would be cool with a retro texture pack so I guess I can't it doesn't look entirely un-fun.

It is important to show restraint when modding Skyrim. For instance, don't choose the My Little Pony mod... that just makes you weird.