
TV Shows Have Been Blatant Ads For Crap You Don't Need For Quite Some Time Now

Implying that DJing in general can't be boiled down to this without the public noticing the difference...

[Insert sarcastic rant about triggers, patriarchy, emotional rape, privilege checking, oppression and whatever else is trending there atm]

Pretty much this. The joke's on them with the HD release of TR as well-I would probably have paid again for that on PC if it was as much of a graphical improvement on PC again as it was on console, now they've cut out half to two thirds of their customer base-surely that's worth more than the $ paid for the exclusive

Oh, no no, that simply won't do. Surely you can do better than a 'no u' reply! I'll give you another go-come on, whatcha got?

Yeah it wasn't perfect, and the memory-fiddling mini game was criminally underused (I think I'd happily play a game of just that, actually) but I had a fun weekend with it.

Yeah, they went all out on new styles...

Mmm, looks like a healthy serve of self righteousness, mixed with a few cups of missing the point, and is that attempted parody mixed with lazy sarcasm I smell? That's right, someone's cooking up a nice big pot of 'I'm a total asshat'!

Cos they slapped the Kotaku east cop-out bit on it and that translates to a fairly broad 'it's stuff about eastern countries and not games because reasons and if ya don't like it you're welcome to go screw yourself.' -_-

Now for the first big spoiler — I didn't see the movie.

I'm gonna jump in and be the asshole that says he really shouldn't have been getting in the way of the other drivers like that. No argument Stewart hit him, (whether he meant to or not) but Ward should've known better than to try and have it out like that on the track-in a fight, car beats human every time.

It didn't have to be happy, it just needed to be well thought out and different from the other 2 in any significant way at all...

breathee new life (sorry, it's too easy)

As the Hulk almost said, "Hmph, puny specs"

I worry even more about anyone that would actually pay for skins in any game-if it does nothing to your character's behavior/stats etc. or gameplay in general, it LITERALLY does not need to exist except for the dev/pub to separate unintelligent ppl from their money.

Ahem, that's why they call it a 'reboot', perhaps?

No apology required, that's way more than I'd hoped to get so muchas gracias! The part about involving them in a positive way where possible is interesting as it contradicts almost everything he's been told so far so it's certainly food for thought. Thanks for sharing and may you have all the crazy cyborg Katya

Unless it's too personal, can I ask what age you were and what specifically affected you most/what stood out in the crappy divorce? I have a friend suffering through one atm and he's panicking about ways to insulate his kid from all the things...


Intolerance and lack of empathy are pretty shitty too.