I know people who suffered losses during Sep 11 and had seen this poster without the event crossing their mind. What they did notice (and were upset by) were people being overly senstive and making connections between the two things. It's not a question of empathy-if you can't move on from something after a decade…
Actually, I made a point to think your comment in its entirety before answering, and my reply covers it-it's not about empathy and I clearly don't think they deserve any backlash over this either. Our difference is that I also go further to suggest that there shouldn't be any discussion here about anything other than…
No. People need to move on. Making people paranoid of certain dates, imagery and references is exactly what they intended-loss of life and mass disruption/fear. Sure, it sucked but time to move on and get back to normality and stop being so afraid to just do and say the things everyone used to.
All I need now is a femshep and my default team will be complete, after which I will gaze upon the tattered, smoking remains of my wallet and sob quietly.
Now that, my friends, is an insult. Top marks.
Dammit, I thought you'd finally worked out how to use it-it's got nothing to do with sexuality. You can be gay or straight, that's irrelevant-just don't be a faggot. Lurk moar.
Did you really just have an 'I'm taking it back' moment with the word faggot?
I'm not a faggot who chills on reddit all day, I'm a faggot who may as well chill on reddit all day. #unnecessaryslur
I'm gonna call clickbait on your title, but it led to a very interesting point by Crash_Recovery so imma let it slide. Gr8b8m8 8/8.
I think you're onto something there-even if that wasn't the original intention (surely it would have been mentioned by now?) it sure fits. That said, even if there was another name, I'd never change it now. Link is Link, Cloud is Cloud and so on.
I suppose if it was just one or two of these it wouldn't be a tragedy, however it's very rarely just one or two of them-it's usually all of them because (with some exceptions, obviously) if you're the sort of person that thinks one or two are ok, then the rest seem to follow. I have no problem with the phone on the…
It goes without saying that this might be (and probably is) entirely made up. There's literally no evidence other than a Craigslist posting, so yes, shout "FAKE" all you want, internet people — we're already well aware.
That's surprisingly close to my old rig, and I used to get the 1100t to 4.1 at 1.56V with a Noctua (can't remember model) but if you're just starting, always work your way up and lurk OCAU/toms/overclock.net for advice etc.
PC Name: Deepthought
lol you 'gun enthusiast' types are equal parts hilarious and exhausting to deal with-no wonder the legislation keeps getting roadblocked-after hours of going round and round with no compromise, the dems are probly going 'oh screw it, just keep shooting each other, if you could try and keep it amongst yourselves and…
Supposing for a second that your argument about economic status and education causing violence and murder wasn't preposterous, what's more dangerous-an uneducated poor person or an uneducated poor person with almost unregulated access to firearms? If guns aren't the problem, then why not regulate them so only the…