
You know, you're right. I'd really try if you weren't a dirty trekkie lol

We're gonna have to agree to disagree there, I've always been more of a 'I'd rather know, good or bad' sorta guy. Games can be a leap of faith here and there but I liken it to ppl that say they don't like a movie they haven't seen-just try it out, there's always something else coming real soon if it doesn't float your

Muchas gracias, senor/senorita.

Wow, it's actually a little disconcerting how quickly ppl go to a dick reference when this comes up-it's all a joke you realize, the concept's creator wasn't even serious. Lighten up, y'all.

So it's agreed then-Tommy Wiseau is more offensive.

Trying to make an unrelated and absurd observation to draw attention away from you not having anything useful to say?

I never said it was better than GTAV, in a lot of ways it's inferior but I have been having fun with it-if I didn't care about higher graphical quality (and while you might not like that fact, it's not up for discussion) and mouse/keyboard support (I accept that's a personal preference) then I'll join the peasantry.

Hey, as long as it's gaming related when it's on Kotaku, I'm generally ok with it. That said, "I'm to scared to play a game in case I don't like it, waaa I want my mummy" just screams slow news day, especially when I've read a few other of Yannick's pieces (some of them fluff, all of them relating to something

blue-edged plastic case for the PlayStation 4 version of Watch Dogs

I agree they have something of a cult, and I recently made more of an effort to check out some of the services etc on Desura and Origin but I also found that while Steam isn't perfect, it's probably the best we have for now and the client isn't anywhere near as hellishly awful or jam packed with terrible design and

I once came across someone at an intersection who the profiler told me was 'recently the victim of carjacking'. So I immediately carjacked her, took that car for an appropriately violent joyride and dumped it in an alley just before it was about to catch fire. Then I had a sandwich.


Oh good, it's not just me. I hate the fast and loose (read: lazy or incorrect) treatment of spelling and grammar that is somehow allowed with articles etc. around here.

Holy high heels, Batman. He's fairly lanky to start with, isn't he?

If you've ever seen any of Kurosawa's films, its not news and you find yourself seeing homages/ripoffs/whatevers all over the place, however that youtube channel was news and I thank you for bringing it to my attention.


I didn't buy one cos I barely use my Wii as it is. I don't regret it.

The "connection" one would be better suited to a telco or ISP actually and implies its users are basement dwellers in this context. Not bad though.

I didn't catch all of your reply because unless kinja is sucking worse than usual, SOME SORE LOSERS DELETED POSTS AGAIN (Yes, I'm talking to you Ashcraft) but surely this reinforces my point nicely-if you're not doing something you should be ashamed of, why hide criticisms? If it's work you consider defensible then've all pretty much given up on gaming journalism then, huh?