
Not super impressed-if you had enough stuff working to make that, couldn't you have thrown out a proper demo?

Nerd. BONER.

I can just picture the pitch meeting with the Olympic committee:

That's probably true, except those events are usually as frivolous as the service itself. Nobody really ever needs to know exactly what member of the big brother house or random singing/talent show has been voted off, nor is it important to get a blow by blow of any awards or PR event. If you want something of

I laughed like a crazy person when I first saw this

Beat me to it.

ME. Now quit moaning about it and go find a PS4/Xbone.

You put it far better than I had in mind-she's not hideous but I certainly don't get the statewide obsession...a quick googling shows me that while she has a decent rack, the 1 inverted nipple and a bush that could scare off a french 70's feminist (not to mention one of her top results was proudly proclaiming that she

Don't worry dude, no matter how evil you are, QTEs will still be x100 more cancerous than any nasty paygate you come up with. Can I suggest making some sort of 'Press X not to die' sign to put over your desk and look at it whenever you're feeling low, knowing there are far worse than you in the industry. You're

If you have a beard and it's mostly on your face but some is on your neck, then you're not the technical definition of a neckbeard. They have a beard on their neck and may accidentally have some on their face, either by design or prepubescnce/general beard growth failure.

lol I haven't been there in ages. Is it still diet /b/?

You had to be that guy that actually had to say that I was being that guy.

'Hey, you know that meat boy game everyone likes? I was thinking of that, but easier and with a jetpack. Also fake boobs'


Nobody uses the pronunciation 'jif', deep down nobody likes anyone who does and the only ppl who actually use it are the creators (whose expertise clearly stops at creating phonetically sensible acronyms, despite the peanut butter inside joke) or neckbeards that either want to start an argument or are compelled to use


Those pesky popup warnings are a pretty useful feature for regular users and most of the time stops or makes them think twice about doing something with possible repercussions. If you're seeing that a lot then you may need to think about your habits/the sort of things you're running-I have nothing at all left with a

Not a great deal has actually changed in the core UI until 8 when they added the ribbon to explorer but even then most things are the same so I'm really not wure what it is you think you can't do in 7/8. I was happy with 7 but once you move past the fairly useless and poorly implemented metro/start screen and actually

She wouldn't be.