
Right back at ya there, tiger.

C'mon guise, it's clearly a joke, he didn't mean anything by it and probly didn't realise that it was in such bad taste-everybody really should learn not to feed the trolls.

I'm not too cut up about it really-SR3 was a nice and silly alternative to GTA4, AKA "Hey Nico, want to go f@#kin bowling again?!!?" but it struck the right balance of stupid and sandbox blow-em-up. If they went THAT much further, it could very well have been too much but then again it could just be another bit of

While not cool, funny :/ Touch and motion controls are too prevalent with them young'uns today and frankly the games are easier-if I ever get the urge to see a child cry, I'll sit them in front of Mega Man, Battletoads or Super Metroid.

Exactly what I did, plus until I handed him a DS, he'd never used a dpad before so he needed some educatin'. Blame his mother :)

No, that's just the involuntary sound you make in disgust at another FFVII/Advent Children/FFVIII/FFXII character recycle...Visually we have (left-right) Hope, Barrett, Kadaj/male Lightening, male Quistis (although glasses-kun made me lol) and Balthier after raiding Chris Evans' wardrobe.

Like your namesake, you know nothing.

Oh, my sides ;)

AFAIK, Rugby was named for the particular style of football played at that school (like Cambridge rules, etc).

Phillips Savvy, then the 3310 (AKA the thing they use to cut diamonds), followed by my beloved 9210i

See above for best 3 comments of the whole thread.

Er, they really don't-the stuff on mad men is generally pretty uninspired, but I really would like to be a fly on the wall in the concept and branding meetings when they come up with names for any of their products as it all seems custom designed to baffle their core market of non-tech savvy parents.

That could work out nicely-he'll snitch, give up his friends, they get caught and he gets killed for being a snitch, everybody wins.

No, I don't 'gotta admit' that these are in any way clever or have a place in the world. Angry Birds is grossly overrated and have simply proven that by slapping Star Wars on the end of it for a few extra dollars, like most other things that have little actual merit. It's futile to say it, but please stop caring so

if FFXIII = best FF

While I'm sure they're probably very talented, most of them (especially the little redhead and Romero's missus) were very doable. You're welcome, ladies.

Aww, was someone wandering about on the chan last night? hardly news worthy, considering how long this has been floating around, but good try at a 'news' item, lads.

Fixed that for ya. Seriously though, it's not ok to just randomly grope someone, regardless of situation or clothes-think of them like strippers, only if they touch you first ^_^ The whistling and catcalling etc is another matter entirely, but I can't actually say I've seen anything like that at most of the cons I've