
Hey, someone else who’s been around forever! Indeed, pretty sure Kinja was its best the first day it appeared; anything that’s changed has broken it further and further. With engagement (interaction, not clicks) nonexistent outside of Giz and Jalopnik, and being frustrating on those two, I do cynically wonder if

Less engagement has seemingly been the goal across the G/O properties for a while now, unfortunately. Every so often, Kinja breaks down further, loses a feature or a subsite disables or restricts user interaction. Those features are never re-enabled.

privacy issue”

So lets set a few things straight here.

The US allows anyone and everyone in the world to cross our southern borders

That being said, due to limited budgets unlike the original massive Lord of the Rings, there are always some cuts. And really not going to see cinematic masterpieces with a budget for streaming TV on a regular basis.

I am one of those that didn’t finish it. It’s definitely not the worst thing, but I just went ahead and read what happened. I hope they make season 2 better, but it’s the very bottom of my list of LOTR’s content.

This looks like the most generic fantasy thing ever. Remember how the LotR trilogy stood out because it had its own distinct visual style and identity, and didn’t resemble any other movies from 2001-03? Most of the shots here look indistinguishable from Wheel of Time.

christ its like theyre telling ppl to stop using xitter and bloggers r all like OVER MY DEAD BLDY

Who is even buying Dbrand stuff? I don’t think I know a single person IRL who uses Dbrand skins, nor do Ithink I’ve ever noticed one in the wild. It’s wild to me they’re successful enough to build a brand identity that is rude.

I do my own research; why would I ever need to go into a library?!

Inventory is at record levels because people don’t want to buy a badly made car from a white supremacist piece of shit con-man.

The first season was bad, and the first three or four episodes of this season I got through were bad. Good for anyone who likes it but I'm just not interested in spending any more time with the show, and it doesn't have anything to do with adherence to the games (whose stories I never followed all that closely, just

I have to question your fandom and knowledge of Halo if you think this is a good show about Halo. They have almost zero respect for the general story/lore from the games and the novels. They just took the characters and did whatever with them. 

By saying adaptations should make changes for the sake of making changes then that means the source material is poor and you’re a better writer so be grateful of these changes.

For me the finale had the opposite effect and lost all my good will they built specifically because of how they implemented the Flood.

Ive never watched it, clips made it look boring as hell but I’ve watched reviews and such. But removing the helmet I would argue IS a big deal. This is a halo show, about master chief, he’s one of the most bad ass dudes and he didn’t need a face that was the point.

Master Cheeks has made my day

Kwan is the reason I quit the first season, so knowing that they kept her and killed ______ (thanks for that, btw) I will happily skip season two.

I smell serious copium from this article. I don’t care if people like this tv series but it sure as hell ain’t Halo. Master Cheeks is not my Chief.