
Trump: “I am being persecuted by the government for nakedly political reasons!”

I mentioned this in another comment thread, but people are forgetting Reddit didn’t have an official app for a really long time. I think it was like 2015 when it was introduced. And, in fact, the official app is based on Alien Blue, a third party iOS app that they bought and reconfigured. Reddit owes a lot of its

I’m no twitter CEO , but it seems to me that if your site/app is basically powered by its users creating content , and you announce a move that pisses them ALL off , maybe not doing that move , and listening to them is the smart thing to do.

Reddit working overtime astroturfing comment sections, I see.

That’s not whats happening at all. That’s one of the biggest problems in the world these days: People who take sides in something they dont understand.

It’s unpopular and also missing important context about the pricing and context. Remember that Reddit only had value because these mods do millions of hours of work for absolutely no pay whatsoever. Reddit only has value because of their input. Also, Reddit isn’t merely charging enough to cover their costs, they’re

What’s hilarious is that Reddit lives off of Free Labor (Unpaid Mods) and User Engagement (Advertising) + Money Spent within App. Now they are trying to use the Musky Twitter Model and destroy both Free Mods (Labor) and Users who will go elsewhere once the next site pops up. Trust that I have zero attachment to Reddit

that not only was Reddit “never designed to support third-party apps”

I used to use Reddit on my phone from time to time... in my browser. Recently, it told me the mobile site is now read-only and I had to download the app to login and post. Instead of doing that, I just stopped using it. They really want you to download that app.

The internet was a better place before it was raped by capitalists.

Nothing screams “I’m not bothered or riled up” like a wall of text about how funny it is to you. Reddit is (soon to be was) a platform run by its users, ya dink. All your presuppositions are wrong

Theres one little problem with this argument. The issue isn’t that Reddit wants to charge for it’s API, but that the amount they want to charge is astronomical and way higher than other websites such as Imgur, and the extremely short timeline they gave with pricing information.

I hate how many of the things I’ve liked over the years turning into complete garbage in the name of pumping stockholder value by any means necessary

You know what’s more akin to a landed gentry? Corporate CEOs. The Reddit employees didn’t vote you, ya dickwad (insert Monty python reference).

In regards to the right place to find an answer to something, thats 100% sure. Trash Websites have gotten so good at SEO that it’s ruined things like google.

That’s not generally correct. 

I still don’t know how Holmes has a lighter sentence than her business partner, when she was the one who started the entire thing and was the one who got people to invest. She’s the most culpable one here.

She decided to have those kids AFTER she knew she was facing prison time. She had her children to gain sympathy votes, like yours. Congrats, you fell for it.

The kids she decided to have when she knew she was facing prison time?

Kotaku can't afford to have writers this mid, yet here we are.