
The whole post-gawker intelligence of people who write for these complete dipshit blogs is astounding. You are a fucking moron, Thomas. This place has become somehow dumber than Buzzfeed in 2011. Jesus christ you’re stupid.

You were personally hired by Spanfeller, weren’t you?

Getting people to pay money for stupid shit does not a good idea make, but it might please the shareholders.

This is a HUGE L for Gizmodo. What a piece of garbage article and an utterly shameless boot licking headline.

The whole “cash is king” ontic perspective of this piece is so stupid. Elon Musk only succeeds by teleological self-justifying results from mediocre journalists, but the socioeconomic burden of Musk’s business model is a means to its own terrible end. Failure to recognize that is a fundamental failure of mental

Paid Verification is not a good idea. Twitter spent over a decade teaching people mean “the checkmark means that someone did some diligence over whether the person or entity making the tweet represents the actual person or entity that the account represents.” So if I make a Thomas Germain account and post how much I

This article seems to be making the same mistake and showing the same misunderstanding of Twitter’s value proposition that Elon Musk is making.

There is an internet adage that if you aren’t paying for the product, it is because you are the product.

Pay to play is so innovative it's shocking nobody thought of it before...

You’re evening seeing more and more ads”

To the author... Getting you to pay for something that’s not worth paying for...and was free before... isn’t about being “right”.. it’s about control.

Paid premium-feature accounts are good” and “paid verification is good” are two very different things.

It is still a terrible idea, it was a terrible idea, and it will continue to be a terrible idea in the future. 

No, no he wasn’t. Basic security is not an add-0n feature. People should not accept this.

if you’re willing to pay for verification, i will block you on principle.

That’s a tiny fraction of Twitter’s user base, but it isn’t nothing.

Lol. Musk was right. Uh no he wasn’t. Turns out what has actually happened with paid verification on twitter is all the Trumpstans and Muskstans rushed to get the check, and not many others did. And everyone else on twitter pretty much laughs at the blue check people for wasting their money.

I don’t know about “right,” what I know is that Musk saddled twitter with massive debt, and a steep loss in advertising revenue, and is shoring it up with a paltry subscriber base. Zuckerberg has, in turn, has overseen massive declines in revenue, in no small part because of his calamitous decision to invest billions

This is dumb as shit.

Ah yes, charging for something that should be free. It’s brilliant! Not only do you give all your data and content to social media platforms to sell while you’re served ads, but now you can PAY to do it!