
new rule at Twitter: prima nocta

It’s always a big deal when companies slash benefits for employees, even if the company is a shitty one.

I think it bears mentioning that “birth rate” concerns frequently end up falling into eugenicist, racist or xenophobic areas...

that’s what you get for big timing Shazam!

I’ve got The Rock fatigue and I’m just really tired of seeing him in everything. It seems like a lot of people feel that way.

Battle not with candyasses, lest ye become a candyass, and if you gaze into the bald, the bald gazes also into you.

It’s still confusing about what it means for those who own Hitman 1 and/or 2. It sounds like they’ll end up paying extra for content they already own.

I feel like you didn’t actually read my post. I’m saying there should be one package that includes all of the games AND DLC. Selling the DLC as a separate package is stupid for a game(s) that’s been out for 2+ years.

I don’t understand why they’re still selling the DLC separately. Hitman 3 has been out for 2 years and the previous games for much longer. If IO truly wants to simplify everything, just make one package that includes all of the content for the past three games. It would be equivalent to the GotY/Ultimate edition of

Jeeze, way to make the best news all year sound so negative. Should probably just link to the article you’re quoting if you’re going to ignore the easy to understand language in next part of their blog post:

We have entered the millennial fuckboy era of bond 

When my friend bought the console we had to play on the other one because before actually doing so we had to go through the OS update and installation and then install the games, so we did not play anything there until next time, in that case it would have been better to have it all setup.

It’s easy to have a death rate of zero if you stop testing! Last I checked the excess deaths were still mysteriously high.

Man, that sounds like a better Christmas than the time my parents split up and I didn’t get jack shit for Christmas because both parents were too busy fighting each other. But I guess yours is pretty bad too. /s

You factory reset a console instead of just... changing the settings? 

I’m not trying to say something constructive, I’m calling you out on your crap.

I kind of get what you are saying but no one actually enjoys setting these console profiles up. You can call it part of the process or tradition or whatever but the fact remains, Logging in to accounts with passwords you don’t remember, downloading updates, digging out the wi-fi password probably for the first time in

Do NOT get an Elite controller. They are trash and break easily, not worth the price.

You’re a spoiled brat ain’t ya lol. If that’s the most disappointed you’ve ever been on Christmas I’d say shut your trap and count your blessings.

If that is your worst Christmas Morning .... then you have quite  a privileged and sheltered life.