
If by “flourishing” you mean flooding the zone with Kurtzman Trek garbage? Then yeah, guess it is.

“a woman doing a basic, surface-level feminist reading of video games became such a lightning rod.” Yeah, no. Sarkeesian would often present completely made up and contrived reads on gaming history not backed up at all by facts as how it all happened and that batshit read was what made her a lightning rod.

Literally no-one here is throwing a “tantrum” or “acting like a victim”. A corporation lied and got caught in that lie and is being called out for it by their customers. If you don’t like it you can go cry somewhere else.

Real good look resorting to slurs by the way you insect of a man.

Perhaps if you’d get your tongue out of corporate ass then people would stop calling you out for being a simpering corporation apologist. Oh and the fact you seem to incur being called a bootlicker such a constant should make you consider that you are exactly the sad little bootlicker you come off as.


Ah, so a company lied about approved use of their service, profited from it then pulled the rug from under users by then lying about what they did and you are just double-plus good on that. You should really try some mouthwash to get that boot taste out of your mouth.

There’s lots of stupid things that look cool, I actually agree that the industry as a whole could do better to choose safer options across the board for stunt people so that accidents like what happened on the set of Rust become a thing of the past.

At no point in my comment did I claim that he does “all” his stunts. I’d suggest you go back and read it again properly this time.

advocate on behalf of stunt performers (a segment of the guild famously near and dear to his heart).” What weird assumptions this piece makes. Cruise does not and has never truly cared about stunt people, he mythologizes the craft but if he really cared he wouldn’t try to do his own stunts and let trained stuntmen do

arguing that they ought to allow passwords to be shared without restriction seems like a petty, selfish hill to die on.”
Yeah, No. Netflix used to actively encourage using an account across multiple households including but not limited to structuring plans that only made sense if you had a sprawling mansion or more

all the scores of normally very aggressive kaiju hanging out down there just sort of watch it drift in...
Yeah, you didn’t understand that scene. In that scene there are the aliens that genetically constructed the kaiju and the dormant kaiju that they have not activated to be sent into the breach. Neither of which

conversations-about-things-happening-elsewhere” do see how that could easily be adapted right? Let me give you a hint: The Legend of Zelda has relatively little time spent on an old Zelda sitting around talking about what Link did.

But a faithful adaptation of the source material would have made for terrible television, so that’s probably for the best.” Yeah, no. Asimov’s works actually are structured for a great television series but the problem is you can’t just copy paste the GoT playbook like they are doing. You would have to do a sprawling


Would increase battery draw.

Yeah, no. Your status as WGA member has absolutely nothing of weight in this matter. Netflix actively encouraged users to password share and structured multiple packages around it. Now they want to pull the rug that they laid out from under people in a desperate bid to keep new sub numbers juiced. It is utter garbage

Already started with RedFall but in the same breath the game is on GamePass so the sting wasn’t as hard.

Been playing Burnout Revenge on my Series X across the last month or two and it is fantastic and stands up against any modern arcade racer. Really going to feel it when I finish it again and have nothing like it to hop to.

This. Writer trying to pad out a short article with fluffy nonsense instead of getting to the point.

The Force Awakens wasn’t really an event” The historical revisionism surrounding that movie is frankly astonishing. It wasn’t an event? Really? Is that a joke?