
Adoption is actually a notoriously expensive and time consuming process where depending on the agency you can spend a sizable amount of money.

I get that you like IO and the franchise but you really need to stop jumping down everyone’s throat in regards to this. Yes, it is overall positive that 3 is getting consolidated but there have definitely been issues with how IO has gone about doing it so far and so people being apprehensive about this is

What a stupid comment. Sorry that for you it was a minor inconvenience but for many it would be a great gesture. For example: There have been several times that the LIVE and PSN network were absolutely slammed on Christmas day or actively targeted by DDoS attack; not to mention people in areas with terrible internet

He is talking about *Texas*. See: “moved”.

Yeah, No.

Every year I buy the girlfriend a custom handbag made by an Australian gentleman from sustainable materials with pro environmental messages. He does great work and each has lasted far beyond bags several times their price. It is a shame it takes so much carbon to get it on this side of the planet but we support his

“No one saw coming”
“#1 Wednesday”

“Informed” by misinformation and grifters. If you want to be stupid and not get vaccinated that is now your business but you claim it is anything but stupid misguided ego is bunk.

The article mentions multiple times that the game crashes.

I only just figured out how Halo: Infinite is going to be a 10 year game. It is going to take 343i nine years to get it where it should have been from day one.

Punishing the students of Donda Academy is pure overkill”
Yeah, no. The less weird enclave schools teaching kids screwed up garbage the better.

What a well researched and in-depth trash article . Yes, people misuse the term Orwellian all the time. It does not mean in any way shape or form that the surveillance State is not becoming more and more pervasive, less human (and humane as a function) and destructive to society.

“fake Russia-gate hoax” A Republican led Congressional Committee confirmed that the Trump team and Russia attempted to collude together in 2016: So get out of here with your OAN talking points.

Don’t feed their bullshit. It isn’t an “NFT Performance”, it was a performance with an animated video tied to some NFT bullshit.

I agree on TLoU but using AsCreed as a positive example is a terrible idea.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Show has been a garbage fire since S1.

Only problem with Spiderman-R is them changing the face of Peter to be more inline with their off-brand Avengers faces for Tom Holand, a real shame as the original face really fit a moderately experienced Spidey instead of a baby-faced cape starting their career.

Not a fan.

“...recommending that aspect of the game alone feels like dragging someone to a theme park just so they can ride one rollercoaster and then go home.”
Oh the absolute mess that Bungie has wrought with “vaulting” is so much worse. It is much more like dragging your friend to a 3.5hr. movie and only letting them watch

Yeah, No. The pissing about and terrible plotline of S2 and S3 make wasting time getting into S4 a non-starter.