
If you couldn’t figure out she fucks the fish-man from the first look I question if you’ve seen anything from SoW; and I’m saying that as someone who loathes spoilers. Hell, the twist ending is telegraphed minutes into the film.

If you couldn’t figure out she fucks the fish-man from the first look I question if you’ve seen anything from SoW;

>Perhaps there should be a sequel to “Atlas Shrugged,” where everything in Galt’s Gulch goes to shit. 

Just played through all of the regular REZ in REZ Infinite last night. Game is still amazing to this day. Jokes aside: They need to re-release the Trance Vibrator for PC.

You obviously are not familiar with the Adult Swim brand. They actively court this sort of thing. 

While the book fleshes it out a great deal more the key points are in the film.

Are you off your meds? Who is more of a target audience for a geek culture and movie nostalgia fest than a writer for io9. He is smack dab in the center of the Bennett diagram of people this movie was made to reach.

Right Here. This has nothing to do with consensual sex that men are interested in. This is aberrant behaviour.

I’ve had a trainer like this. Its fine initially and then it goes to their head and they text you in AM and expect your response before the sun rises. Most of their clients are jumping ship as well.

That “Matrix Aesthetic” is actually all due to another movie. DARK CITY. By way of a weird deal to use the name The Matrix got to use many of the sets and props from DC.

What is A.V. without technical difficulties?

Heh, have had this issue for months and fixed it literally two days ago with Step 3 and 12. Talk about coincidence.

“a vocal minority” eh? Literally a page right out of the DCEU defenders’ handbook: 

Yeah, its not like a massive chunk of the main movies are hated by the fandom...or that a huge chunk of the lore the purists liked got thrown out a short while ago...or that annualizing it has already lead to franchise fatigue...or that one of the main performers publicly disagreed with the direction of his

The discussion on movies of these giant mega-franchises has changed. Now you must differentiate between good numbers and big numbers the former being genuinely good but the latter meaning that the next film may/will flounder. Batman V. Superman did big numbers but the nature of the numbers showed that something was

Are PC players going to get a spin with this expansion before it disappears?

While you are technically incorrect about the extent of ability that force users have historically had, the more insane displays have never been included in the movies until Ep.8. I remarked to my friends that even having played the games and read EU stuff: It was still incredibly surprising to see them show that

Okay, let’s say he is 100% telling the truth (stay with me)...

Why not exactly? Halo Online & Halo: Forge proves that MS has at least interest in a Halo product for PC.

Perhaps this time they will port it to PC where I will care about buying it.

N.G.E.N. you say...