
“Non-violent” “No Man’s Sky” ...put aside the violence I wish to visit upon anyone who suggests people buy this game after the fiasco that was its launch: NMS has plenty of violence as it relates to the Sentinels and some Fauna

The problem is extremely sad and so basic: Square peg in a round hole. They so very much want this to be like some president they have already covered. For this to be “X Administration in a New Age”. But this shit-fest is truly U N P R E S I D E N T E D, and they literally cannot handle that.

It’s even more sad: There are tons of writers within and without Hollywood with fresh ideas as we speak. The real problem is: Hollywood has become too afraid to fail by virtue of production costs ballooning due to a myriad of reasons. But instead of taking a good grouping of interesting ideas to film each year with

Perhaps make the writing section a fillable-form pdf for an eBook release? But yeah, we live in The Bahamas and if I can get an eBook version you have a sale on your hands.

Is there an eBook version? Really need to get this for my gf.

“but it’s a necessary step.” That’s not objectively true, torrenting clients let you allocated the disk-space entirely beforehand or write as files are ready to take up the space. Now, maybe VALVE programmed Steam in a way where this isn’t a possibility but I have yet to see them come out and say that the way Steam

Solid article and I wholeheartedly agree: Elitist and insular Fandom kills the lifeblood of many franchises. Hell, I’ve made guides to get more people into some fandoms.

Actually: Sounds like both you and your wife are being conned and have taken up Stockholm Syndrome. It is not unreasonable for an Actor that makes the game special for millions to want a bit of the pie. This is true for Developers who make large-scale contributions to a project as well. Its the Publishers that have

Prince of Persia” “Best Video Game Movie”

Now playing

Because it is lazy and awful storytelling. Or in long-(video) form:

“It feels counterintuitive to suggest that straight black men as a whole possess any sort of privilege—particularly the type of privilege created for and protected by whiteness.”

The Other commenters have summarily mocked how thoroughly stupid you are I will take another angle:

Yeah, No. I come from and live in the West Indies and I told everyone with even distant relatives in Houston to get them out because the damage was going to be massive. Now, as for the exact nature of that damage: No, no-one is damned psychic. But those of us who have weathered Cat.5s saw the writing on the wall.

“Not is, *was* a real thing.”

“No one that bought a video game was personally violated.”

Yes, and you damage your customer’s perception of you and your reliability to deliver content without something nefarious in the deal and as such lose some customers and/or have a more weary customer base the next time you have a new product. No-one is debating the fact that refunds are a thing, we are talking about

Correct, for some reason I had CAPCOM on the mind and the edit window passed before I could fix my mistake.

Feeling violated as a consumer is a real thing, most people just forgot that paying money for a product is a pact of trust that you will get what you paid for. CAPCOM violated that trust. Violated has a wider margin of definition than you think.

Yeah, No. Jack was a story that was left hanging and everyone was clamoring for a real end to it. (And even on that note “good hands” would have finished Jack before Aku’s flawless VA passed). As a fan of FLCL - If you want the story to continue then you read the manga; few fans want FLCL to continue as its charm is

The 3DS, ironically, is actually not the best thing for well detailed 3D models. As such: unless you go very stylized games that use true 3D models tend to look like a few generations old Games. Meanwhile: A2MR looks like a high polish 2D game.