Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you click on the…
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you click on the…
It occurs that my last paragraph could come off as me sounding all curmudgeonly about Fire Emblem in general. I’m not! I adore Fire Emblem. I fondly remember being utterly absorbed by Sacred Stones’ extremely long epilogue (I didn’t let a single character die) during a childhood family holiday dinner. I’m that kind of…
I would, but I have cookies turned off :(
Oftentimes I find the chat stream is what I’d expect from the participants at a Trump rally playing cards against humanity.
Gaming peripheral and system maker Razer shows up at CES 2016 this week its smallest, cheapest Razer Blade laptop…
Putting piracy aside for a moment, opening a system can be a costly headache. It’s not as simple as flipping a switch. Adding support for these scenarios requires a significant development effort and a shit ton of additional testing. And even if you make it very clear that installing Linux violates the warranty and…
Bucky was Captain America for a while after Steve died and people loved that run. I don’t see what the difference is.
(Tommy is boycotting Fallout 4 until there’s a skin that turns you into Pedroia and replaces the mutants with African Americans, Hispanics, Vietnamese immigrants, LGBT people, and professors from the other side of the river)
How do you feel about playing a mission seven times in a row?
I might not like his videos much, because i don’t play most of those games, but those are all valid points that he brings up in his article.
Time to go egg Erin’s ship.... Oh wait.
Lighten up Francis...
As much as I am all for helping the Syrian refugees, it’s not that easy. Many of the refugees turn out to actually be from other places like Iraq and for some reason Morocco. Further more ISIS has called for their followers to use the refugee stream as a way to get into central Europe. It’s a tough situation
Does this rag smell like pumpkin spice to you?