
I’ve never heard Extrudehone mischaracterized so inaccurately as to call it “cleaning”. And that is probably the root of the power improvement doubts.

Because I’m mentally 12 sometimes, this made me laugh far more than it probably should have. 

While Jalopnik does have two excellent female staffers,* this whole industry lacks women. Maybe you aren’t tired of it yet, but I am actually massively bored with the same tried-and-true repetition of white guys doing things. At this point, that is a PACKED field. You could take the exact formula of Top Gear, swap in

To make things a little more clear: on NES Tetris, pieces almost instantly get stuck to the stack. You don’t have the long grace period of more recent Tetris games that allow you to slide the piece around on the stack. Also, the horizontal speed of the pieces when you hold a direction is very poor compared to the

Can you imagine getting in an accident and not only being punched by an airbag but also having it project a colony of live ants at your face?

“School buses are subject to rigorous Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards that take into account their unique purpose of transporting children, a vulnerable population”

“you notice it less when it’s your own car”

The curve is restricted by the barrier, he can’t get the nose far enough out of the curve to keep the rear on it. “Too tight” was the only option he had, and the reason why there was signage saying for truckers to take an alternate route.

A child about 8-9 once grabbed my boob. Like deliberately. You know what I did? Not call the cops. Told him it was wrong and moved on. He wasn’t trying to sexually assault me, he thought it was funny. I told him it wasn’t okay, don’t do it again. Case closed. 

You know what? Screw you, David Tracy. I was having a perfectly nice Friday.

This verges

maple bacon

But, not 30 year old perishable food, so you’re ahead. 

With a dunk, timing is everything. As a lifelong dipper (2% or greater preferred) of at least weekly regularity, I have learned some hard truths - not every cookie is for dipping, and getting the right rhythm takes extensive and destructive testing - but I have also reaped the last-mile reward of the best mouthfeel

To be fair... 4th gen Camaros Vs SN95 Mustangs [looks-wise] the Mustang is a far better looking car. The 4th gen Camaro was a moose...but it had those great LT1 and LS1 engines vs the turd that was the 4.6.

Who puts an AMSOIL sticker on their Toyota Luxo barge?

Seriously, I immediately thought of all the times I have done that exact thing in Gran Turismo on Special Stage Route 5

Let’s not throw stones. Who among us hasn’t overcooked it in that exact tunnel multiple times?

fortunately both are alive.