
I had one for a while - a ‘73 ST notchback (not sure the liftback Celica was available at that point). Of course it was pathetically slow by today’s standards, and even the standards of the mid-’90s when I owned it, but it looked cool and it handled decently.

Speed is cool, but seeing today’s 80%+ bypass turbofan engines is like a miracle of engineering. In layman’s terms, early commercial jets shot nothing but hot air out the back, along with lots of pollution and noise. Today, almost all of the thrust comes from the engine core driving a shaft to the front of the engine



Or, you know, people could actually learn how to use the tool they bought.

Keep engineering cars to combat stupid, you’re just engineering the next level of stupid.

Hahaha I would 100 percent leave it too.

That’s a sweet fucking battle scar. I’d leave it. Imagine all the questions you’d get at the mall about a tire mark and tire shaped dent on your hood. Totally badass.

It’s always been my understanding that “passing on the right” involves moving from the lane you are in to the lane immediately to the right, then passing, then sliding back left a lane. This guy was just going faster in the middle lane than someone in the left lane. Happens all the time here in Orlando when rental

To be completely fair, you can go to hell with the other left lane cruisers

I couldn’t agree more and you chose one of my favorite wagons to show. I don’t want a lifted wagon with plastic body cladding to make it look “rugged.” If I want ruggedness, I’ll buy a truck or a jeep. I want a true wagon. I would kill for a Levorg STI or an RS6 here in the states. I want the storage space that they

Wagons, period. And don’t give me that “crossovers are wagons” bullshit because NO THEY ARE NOT. Would you tell your child medicine is candy? No, because then they’d take too much and die, just like wagons are nowadays.

Think of the children, people!

Excuse me, which way to Wollingstoke-on-Fleeb?

This took place in Florida...that is all the extra info you need.

at which point Waring’s girlfriend yelled to Aponte that there was a gun in the truck, in an effort to scare Aponte away.

I hate how there are so many ways for game developers to get fucked over. Buying from G2A and the like, as well as buying used from GameStop, is bullshit. Buy new. Buy digital. Support the people who frequently work in shitty conditions, with shitty hours, and wobbly job stability to create the things you love.

Just lower your truck. Problem solved.

See this is EXACTLY what Kotaku is good for and should do more often. Actually call out GAMING related companies and businesses that conduct shady business practices at the expense of their employees and gamers alike.

Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.