
I wasn't saying it was true for all of them, I said it might be true for some and that I think that's how I'd feel.

You seem to be missing the point, my friend! I'm not arguing against the use of a robotic arm, rather I'm arguing for the use of a skin like cover. Think the Terminator's skin grafts.

They make at least 20 times that amount in China.

It's going to be a very personal issue for sure. Having a robotic arm could be very cool at times, I admit! But for me personally, I tend to place a high value on touch, so having a mechanical arm would depress me.

Good for us, perhaps not for them. Personally, I'd want my prosthesis to be as close to the real thing as possible.

Oh look, it's Sean to the rescue!

This is a game like archaeology is a game.

PC Chrome or cellphone Chrome?

Pity I don't have a tablet.

Playing Tokyo Jungle reminds me of my insomnia, of all things. The reason I often stay up until I can greet sunrise is because there's this serene calm that comes with being awake late at night.

It also looks pretty gross, the way the smoothed bottom section looks inflatable, but if you're the kind of person to thrown down $30k on a replica fantasy series' throne, you're probably not the kind to be too concerned over the fine details of your home furnishings.

Oh dear. I'm fairly positive MAG had 256 person multiplayer.

I just remembered I made the same comment on the Bethesda Facebook page. Now the page has been removed from my 'likes' and my comment is gone. Oops. lmao

Nope. lol

The highest limit Texas has is 75. They were trying to raise the max limit to either 80 or 85, I'm not sure that it made it into law. But even if it had, they were saying that'd it'd take years for you to start seeing speed limits of 80-85.


I'd action her figure. Mostly with a fist. To the face.

I'm not a competitive gamer either. I didn't play any of the competitive modes really. I only really played free roam.

The multiplayer of GTAV was about the only thing I truly enjoyed about it.

Tiny ass FPS game vs monolithic open world RPG.