
Usually they do, they don't want anyone getting overtime. But sometimes they don't care or they might go crazy and have you work three 15 hour shifts(two 1 hour lunch breaks each shift, so 13 paid hours), which would equal out to 39 hours and then not have you work the rest of the week so they wont have to pay

No, it just makes you a hipster.


I used to hate the idea of unions. And still hate some aspects of unions. Like a lot of the Hollywood unions I hate. But at the sametime, working in retail has taught me that unions are pretty much necessary. Because employers WILL waltz right over your ass every chance they get and unions at least provide somewhat of

It's not, and people constantly using it as an insult doesn't help one iota. It'd be like calling someone a paraplegic as an insult.

WTF is wrong with all the other commenters? A device with a color scheme that is very close to that of the Portal portals and all they can talk about is how this would or would not be useful for homosexuals?


I'd argue that Microsoft isn't doing a very good job by only pumping out Halo, Gears and Forza.

Fortunately, none of the shows I listed were zombie related. And honestly, Last Resort isn't even a real post-apocalypse setting. It just has an end of the world vibe to it. Think heights of the cold war era when the world was sitting on ticking time bombs.

But can it run Catzilla?

All the EA apologizers should go jump off a cliff. It's fucking disgusting.

I was going to bitch about the onslaught of end of the world TV shows, but then I remembered this was based on an MMO. So it's been in development for a couple years.

It is when the person who is an issue is someone you interact with outside the game, but inside the game they move at a snail's pace and you'd like to link up with someone that moves at a pace closer to your own.

I don't know, I think it may be possible to camouflage a five round magazine.

I'd love to see that turned into an actual rifle, or vice versa. An actual rifle given those aesthetics.

The blight is said to go away, but doesn't truly go away. You may or may not get some minor praise in some towns. I can't remember.

Pretty sure that it's still controversial today. It's just that the rest of us now can voice our opinions and shout down the party poopers.

Was that Tali I heard? I think so. :o

Read the damn books.