
Who the fuck pays $60 for PC games?

It's a case of Jack vs Jack. I think Jack has finally met Jack's match. It's fun and feels sooooo good. One day, when you are old enough, you will understand.


Jokes on you, Miranda. Clones turn me off and remember how I told you Jack and I have been 'wrestling?' Yeah, we were fucking.

You have a reputable source for these alleged stats?

Explain to me the logic dictating that if someone does something once, they have to do it every time.

Pitchforks and torches.

How about telecom companies do what their governments have been giving them subsidies to do, ya know, improve their infrastructure?

If he pirates one piece of software, he should pirate all of it? I guess if someone steals a candybar, they should also kill the clerk too, eh?

Soooo, basically it is the same damn thing as Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit's challenge mode. Lame.

Soooo, is it a full fledge mission and map creator/editor or does it just let you edit pre-existing maps?

My concern is access to the A/B buttons. Also the aiming button.

Looks interesting, would love to give it a spin. But ultimately, I think it'd be annoying, perhaps even moreso than just using one controller.

Yes, but this is a bonus for Goldeneye and still a negative for the N64.

If you think Goldeneye was terrible, then your opinion is terrible and you should feel terrible.

I agree. ME2 didn't have a middle act, and skipped most of the final act right to the climax. I hated that.

Nah, you miss understand. I never had the choice. I was homeschooled. But if I did have a choice, I probably wouldn't have gone anyway.

I'd say I was miserable if I actually had or went to a prom. I didn't. Though if I did, odds are I'd have been miserable.

But ya know, if I had that kind of money, I'd definitely fly out there and check it out.

Let's assume this is on the up and up. Let's also assume that the man truly just wants to phoenix it up a bit.