
The consequences of destroying a mass relay are immense: as a huge mass effect engine manipulating massive quantities of energy, a relay could produce an explosion of supernova proportions.

Actually, to be honest with you...


Treat a woman like an equal, a human, you show her loves and kindness and she leaves you. Treat a woman like a thing, she marries you? I hate this world. -_-

By destroying all of the relays, they are destroying most of the galaxy. Thereby they are killing just about everything worth saving. Where's the point in that?

It makes since to extinguish all life in the galaxy rather than allowing the Reapers to harvest only the advanced species? If you say so.

The entire time they're in the fridge. That's why you keep a beverage fridge in your gaming room. I have one left over from college, so I use it for sodas and snacks. Chocolates stored in there can be eaten without worry of mess. ;D

Induction wouldn't be a completely wireless solution, but it'd be slightly better than what we have now. The major problem is that it requires entirely new furniture, which almost defeats the purpose. Especially in Owen's case.

Well, they are talking about using directed microwave radiation, induction, lasers etc. I'm not sure that interference would be a huge problem for the power. But line of sight would. And if you're using microwave radiation, I imagine you'd get some pretty serious burns pretty quickly if you were accidentally exposed

I was trying to reply to the OP, guess I hit the wrong button. >.<

Chin up, Owen, wireless video signals are already possible and wireless powering shouldn't be too much further off. Though it seems to me like there'd be some serious concerns to address first.

IDK about wireless HDMI, but wireless video signals have been around for years.

I've read the Indoctrination Theory, it's an intriguing idea. But one that isn't reality, and if you accept it as your own, you're still faced with with an unfinished game and a slew of unanswered questions. Some interpretation is ok, but this is more like writing a book.

So essentially, you like it because you ignore it?

Even the BBB agreed that gamers were ripped off.

You shoot guns while riding ATVs? Can we be friends?

So, the Relays being destroyed was only a problem because no MMO. But most of the galaxy being destroyed is A-okay?

SCORE! Good thing I didn't mention the dumping lead into the river part!

If you touch my controller, I'll shoot you in the goddamn face. Don't. Fuckin. Test. Me.