
Refrigerated chocolates and soda is awesome 'game fuel' and doesn't mess up your controller.

I never recycle anything and I eat babies.

Coke and miniature Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. When I can afford it, that is.

An example hardly constitutes an exhaustive list. That's kind of the point, you give an idea of what the individual is talking about.

Anything you didn't pick up on any of your missions, that was mission critical, could be purchased at the Specter requisitions terminal in the Embassy. Which incidentally, was something I didn't like.

"You can't please everyone" Is a fucking cop out here. The argument works for something like Splinter Cell Conviction, or Fallout 3/NV or GTAIV where the love/hate ratio is somewhat balanced.

'Merica, fuck yeah!


Unfortunately, the issue here isn't people calling from a traditional telephone, but people using VoIPs. They can forge the call information to look like the call is coming from the house next door. Tracing these calls would take considerable amounts of time, time that could cost lives.

Yeah, specifically 911 calls. As I said before, the bill sounds like a good idea, but there are some serious drawbacks.

The bill sounds good in one hand, in the other I did say mostly for a reason.

It currently is against the law, filing a false police report, maybe a few other minor infractions. The problem is, this behavior should constitute a felony case of assault with a deadly weapon at the minimum.

Beanbags can kill. Beanbags to the crotch can cause serious injury, including amputation of the testicles and possibly death.

It was showing you the address of the ISP, not the IP holder.

They're actually proposing a law that would allow them to track calls in real time, mostly. This I do not support.

Darknet Observation Network?

First off, what's with all the Canadians taking some serious, personal offense to the perp being Canadian? Pretty sure everyone here knows that one fucked up Canadian doesn't mean everyone in Canada is a fucked up piece of shit.

If by TV shows, you mean actual, verifiable news reports, then you're spot on.

very cool read. sad that we take for granted even the simplest rights we have here.