
Same here. I don't fight, I don't like to fight and I will avoid fights at all costs. But god have mercy on your soul if you insist on fighting. I'm not playing around and I wont be pulling any punches. Mostly because I'll be pulling a trigger.

How do you survive a knife attack? Carry a gun, pray that if someone intends to attack you with a knife that they telegraph this intent long before they pull their knife, giving you time to pull your gun.

He'll die. He just wont die screaming with his back turned to the attacker. I'm sure he knows this and that was the point.

Nothing, you would get stabbed while praying that you are able to keep him from stabbing important parts of your body. Which is pretty much everywhere, thanks to those little things called arteries.

Which is how you survive a real life fight.

Greatest. Lego Mech. Ever.

I don't watch wrestling. Only thing I know of it is that wrestling is usually fake, boxing and MMA is usually real. I hate sports though. So I don't watch it. I went on a date with a super hot chick to a really nice sports bar one night. By all accounts, I should have been ecstatic. We were there because she wanted to

Why aren't there cuss words in your comments? I see no slurs. I love to say fuck and use all sorts of slurs. But I self censor when it isn't appropriate. Should I not do that? You seem to be suggesting that censoring one's self is a bad thing.

And if Kotaku agreed, it would be SELF CENSORSHIP because no one is forcing them.

I only gave one example, there are dozens more. It's a generalization, one that typically holds true.

There is room in SST for human components, there was some in the original movie. But not the whiney bitch fest that you see in shows like Gundam and what have you. That's simply not what Starship Troopers is.

I <3'd you for Megalith/Agnus Dei

Now playing

Promoted. Ace Combat for the mother fucking win!

Yeah but neither said gamers, just games. I was taking the piss. :P

No he's not? He made one request to Kotaku to hide the article until tomorrow. That's it.

I haven't read the book, though I really should. So I have no idea if you're right or not, but it sounds about right. So promoted.

If you don't want "jarhead facades" with a "series of lame sex jokes" then you don't want Starship Troopers.

I am seeing in the comments exactly what I expected to see. I haven't heard of this quote before this article and figured that if there was any uproar, it'd be more that someone is attacking violence in video games and not video games in general.

Nope, I disagree. I think that, maybe just maybe, and mind you I could be wrong here, but that it's more likely games aren't people. Again, could be wrong~ o7