
You link this video, and now all I want is to talk shit with those ladies.

He is making a request to Kotaku that they do not post videos he finds offensive. He is not advocating a law that would render it illegal for Kotaku to post said videos. That would be advocating censorship.

Ahhh, okay that makes sense.

Only that the animes I have seen, to be whiney and complain about war at every turn. The polar opposite of Starship Troopers.

Why is that a good sign?

That could be really badass. But then again, this is a Japanese version. I wont hold my breath.

Edit: I'm not saying I agree with the guy, I'm just giving you all his point of view since everyone decided to be that kind of person on the internet today and jump on him.

Which part of it's not forced did you not understand? If you're going to state that them granting his request is censorship, well then we are all guilty. Everyone self censors. But that doesn't make it censorship as it's commonly understood as.

I don't disagree. I was just bored, and explaining the holiday.

Memorial Day was 'created' to pay respect to fallen Union soldiers after the Civil War. Only later was it expanded to include all fallen American soldiers.

It's not censorship, no one is being forced. He's just requesting that Kotaku align itself with his view on things.

Memorial Day is actually a 4 day holiday. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Monday is just the official day, but it was designed for the whole weekend.

While I've spent the better part of the day making zombie jokes, some of my friends have been making gay jokes about zombies. :x

Awesome, a perfect platform to post this article!

At least the UNSC is actually the UN in like 500 years in a fictional universe.

Or maybe it's an official joke video. Microsoft never said they didn't release the video and even confirmed an internal beta. They only said they didn't have plans for a public beta.

They never said they didn't release the video, only that they aren't going to conduct a public beta. And they really didn't even say that.

That's like, the only choice that gets you killed. The other choice(two half choices) are really just a you do it or you don't deal.

Rest in peace, Big Huge Games. :'(

This is a good point, police lights are very bright and would have light up the area a lot more.