
Ohhh, I like that; "Because We May"

But it was also an expansion.

Yeah, but did it make the game cheaper to buy? ;P

I have one now, I just don't really play anything on it other than some RPGs, RTS games and flight sims.

This is how it was when I worked there. The one that sold the most, got the most hours during the best days of the week. Everyone else got like 3-4 hours on the worst days and were still expect to compete with the guy 8-15 hours. It's bullshit.

That's different than having a quota you have to fulfill or be fired.

<3 Ad Block Plus

Completely agreed. Advertisements that are creatively placed in the game and not just ramrodded in and that lowers the cost of the game for the consumer are acceptable. Unfortunately they don't exist and never will.

And this is way PC gaming is best. Not because this wont happen on PCs, but because if it does, I can just download hacks/cracks to remove that shit.

I second this dare, effectively making it a double dog dare. YOU CANNOT REFUSE THE DOUBLE DOG DARE!

The VA of Jina are great!

So wait, let me get this straight. Someone was scared enough to jump out a window. But no one bothered calling the police?

For whatever reason, I read that as "Blasted vaginas"....

Is this new? Because that wasn't the case when I worked there.

The right HDD failing could cause that much damage to the face of the unfortunate soul sitting next to me at the time.

I was 'alive' when this all started, specifically when it came to light. However, I don't see any issue here whatsoever. Then again, while I was 'alive' at the time, I had just been born yesterday as I was like 3 months old. o7

Not at first they didn't, they tried to make it seem as though the PS4 wouldn't be released for ten years.

Ya know, when I said 'This.' I was concurring with what Cyruss said, including the part where he states that Sony never claimed that the PS4 would not be released for 10 years.

This. I'm so sick of that 10 year life cycle bullshit.

It was a problem because the split was a paltry 256MB. 10GB wouldn't have that problem.