
This is the general sentiment (quoted and linked below). TL:DR since its only maternity leave it furthers gender inequality and since that is a bigger issue than anything we might as well not give mothers any money.

Unless there is additional information not presented here, you seem to be jumping to conclusions. What makes you think General Mattis is still in their corner? As you correctly pointed out, a lot of people were taken in by the promises of Theranos, but that doesn’t mean that he would still be on their side after it

You forgot the CNN staffer sharing primary debate questions with the Hillary camp. Good reliable journalism. Not like the dreaded Faux News!

I completely agree and have a hard time understanding why it’s being overlooked. There is clearly something suspect about the e-mails and the whole situation is frightening.

“And, they’re all insiders”

Yay for censorship of anyone we disagree with. Maybe we can burn their books next.

I’m calling bullshit. Not because cell phones - including iPhones - can’t explode. Any lithium battery can go into thermal runaway and burn up. But probably not in this case.

It’s sad that people are unwilling to see why people are pro-life in the first place. You either believe than an unborn child is a human being while in the womb, and thus gets all the rights of someone who is born, or you don’t. If you do believe an unborn child is a human being, then it means you believe that

Women’s bodies vs bodies of the infants is what the argument is.

More like it’s states that traditionally run GOP having errors in urban areas that traditionally go democrat.

Or what Hillary says every time she sees the voter turnout in support of her among African-Americans is not as high as she expected.

My friends likes to say “NDT is what a stupid guy thinks a smart guy sounds like”. During deflategate he did all his math with gage pressure and relative temperature, which gave him bogus answers. He also got shit on over in Jalopnik sometime ago for saying it was physically impossible for Nascar cars to corner as

Eh....I think this is only an issue because oversensitive liberal white folk who can’t use those words don’t understand using words like that to make jokes about yourself or just saying the words in general without censoring ourselves because we can. Remember all the clutched pearls over the president saying ‘nigger’?

It’s NOT absurd. Absurd is voting in Hillary, who represents exactly what needs to be fixed.

Dude deserves a medal not a prison sentence.

Unrelated, but is anyone going to cover the $675,000 given to the wife of the FBI director who led the investigation into Hillaries emails? I understand there are two sides to that story, and right now I can only understand one.

So...I disagree on the power. Here’s why:

Ironically, despite all the negative press, I have probably logged more hours on my Wii U than PS3 and almost as much as my PC.

the size of the disk has nothing to do with the power of the console. the disk was limited to 1.8 gigs, but many games used multiple disks, or really bad compression middleware.

There is a lot wrong in this article, not to mention questions with mostly self-evident answers.