
Now that he’s actually aware of the reality of the situation, he’s balking. He knows he can’t stop the train now, but he’s acutely aware of how bad this plan is for his voting base

They got burned when the GOP walked back Obama’s promise to help offset their initial losses.

Great reply, thank you. So initially Trump didn’t want that to happen right? He wanted repeal and replace for the good of the Americans but now its changed? Is it more complicated than previously thought? Or is it political... let Obamacare fail on its own since so many people seem to think it’s fine and will

I agree Aetna is a lousy company to deal with (from experience)... and merger suspicions aside, isn’t my point true? That Obamacare is out of money in 2017?

+1, I had them at one point too and hated them. But my original statement I think is True? And I think the Republican plan was slated for 2019? In which case won’t a bunch of Obamacare people that were lucky enough to get the government to take out loans to pay their bills lose their “free” insurance anyway?

Is this true or false? If Republicans don’t do anything, Obamacare will die in 2017 anyway.

What!? We are all desperately waiting a chipworks xray of the chip! They could have donated their chip, scrapped with a razor blade, and photographed through a $100 microscope for the good of the internet! What a waste!

The Wii U is still a great deal if you don’t have one. You can often find the games cheap and it’s got some incredible ones!

The specs won’t be confirmed for another couple days. But so far at minimum its ~ 7/10 the power of xbox one (under ideal conditions which include, among other things ~70% FP16 code)

I read someone on neogaf confirm that it worked but I couldn’t find a link to confirm for you.

I have a close friend at the EPA and I asked how people felt about this. His reply:

That was a beautiful article thank you! I’ve always been a fan of Nintendo for reasons similar to your son and my own childhood experiences. If you study video game design you’ll come across “game feel”. Nintendo understands these dynamics intuitively such that people literally write text books trying to quantify

Listen, Kellen I’m trying to give you information please don’t be so angry and belligerent. There was a lot of “hacked” information this election. It didn’t all make it to Wikileaks...which may be what you were referring to. But what did make it there is authentic. It has costed people their jobs. Given how

Yes you are the crazy one with conspiracy theories. Let me break this down for you.

Wow you are crazier than I thought. But to entertain your questions, I believe its only logical to interpret the word choice as code words. Given that those code words have historically been used by pedophiles (use of those words in that context predate the emails) I think it warrants further investigation and not

^^ This again coming from the person that hasn’t read the emails. As evidenced by your words “deep dish” that are not mentioned. Please just accept that you haven’t read the emails and you can therefore only know what other people have told you.

I’m continually surprised by people like you being a combination of COMPLETELY uninformed, and then viciously attacking others with baseless claims to defend their own state of ignorance. Right off the bat

Your personal attacks and profanity betray your biases about this. Granted, the code word translation is not guaranteed. And that SHOULD be the story. Reading the emails literally makes no logical sense.

Lol i suppose logic is nothing to you? And that is why you believe that rich politicians write each other about how best to play dominos on floors covered in cheese, sauce, and pasta. To believe that is completely illogical and you accept it without bating an eye...soo i guess it makes sense that logical arguments