
What the heck does "what family wants" mean? Isn't that like saying "why do you want a PS4?" and answering with "Because we want a PS4"

I've been saying it every time i see people on here write that software sells hardware. It couldn't be further from the truth. Specs sell hardware. People like the PS4 for the specs. The Order 1886 will sell very well because its the closest you can get to playing specs.

Thats a good point! Especially her wonderful 101 reference. Every character is an over the top caricature. The girl, the german kid, the russian, etc. Its not and shouldn't be about being equal. The sexes are not equal. But rather its about having an understanding and appreciation for their differences and their

I'm late writing here. I bought a 2010 370Z convertible, touring package, manual transmission, in the fall 2014. It cost $24 k ! I thought that was a great deal and there is so much fun to be had.

Your memory isn't great and in hindsight you are remembering PS2 graphics as much prettier than they actually were. Also, not that it matters but the Gamecube and Xbox were both a step up from the PS2 in terms of hardware capabilities. In fact, the Gamecube was more powerful than the Xbox in many ways. There was no

woa woa woa, I always assumed giving Twilight Princess a 4/10 was click bait?

Gotcha, I never played the DS version but just bought this for the wii U. I played through the first world and its fun but i'm not blown away yet. I'm more excited for the co op and I have not had friends over yet to try it.

So lets say it was on the DS, would you feel compelled to look down at your DS screen? Would that also make you upset? Why not just pretend that the Wii U tablet is a DS? Then you'd be pleasantly surprised with the graphics, and screen size and brightness?

Hey, excellent post! I think the sad thing is, I'll bet you The Order 1886 is a commercial success! Everyone always says software sells hardware and that is totally false. Specs, hype, and fanboys sell hardware. And The Order is the closest that people can get to actually playing specs rather than games. PS4

The crazy thing to me is how often I hear people say "software sells hardware". Its just untrue, because most of the top games are either ports of last gen, or annual releases (like COD, battlefield).

I'm surprised there was no mention of resident evil 5. The E3 reveal of that game was incredibly awkward. It looks so bad! Also no mention of the initial kinect E3 when Microsoft found out live, on stage, that it didn't work if you were black. And then the subsequent questions about if there was a single black

Ok now can people please stop saying that software sells hardware? Or do we have to confirm that the advertisements for The Order 1886 alone will be system sellers? Specs, hype and image sell hardware.

I'm most looking forward to this game for the co op and there was no mention of it in the review? From my understanding a bunch of people control kirby's on the TV while another player is in charge of the touchscreen and brush? I really like the idea of the assymetric style. Especially if the touchscreen was easy

You are right. There is nothing wrong with scaling the graph so all your data fits on it. People are just hurt because they are fanboys and the Patriots don't have a super bowl win in a year without documented and proven cheating. The author of the article is going to nit-pick this analysis like he's some expert

I hate to be THAT guy but it probably polystyrene and not styrofoam. Styrofoam is a trademarked brand. Like how people say Kleenex instead of tissue.

Hey Xengre, I appreciate the discussion here and your well thought out replies. But a lot of what you are claiming is not accurate. You may not take my word for it so I'll link you to actual developers that claim it. For example you say the wii U edram is "not too relevant now" and that's very untrue.

Clockrates and cores are just a party of the equation. Its about efficiency. You didn't make any mention of the Wii U edram nor the xbox 360's. Yes, of course the Wii U is not nearly as powerful as PS4 or XBOne. However, that doesn't explain the lack of third party support. The system specifics are a little

ahh, sorry i didn't realize you were counting the discontinue date. Sorry for sounding pedantic

Hey you say "where your average console is often expected with a certain life span such as 10 years being the general expectancy for Playstation platforms."

Thanks for the reply. You say "The power difference wasn't nearly as staggering as it is now, either which greatly limits porting to or from the Wii U. " and I have to respectfully disagree... sort of. Yes the gap between PS2 and Gamecube is smaller than Wii U to PS4, I agree on that regard. But when it comes to