
Common Riot, we want to see your sprint burndowns, get cracking!

this is DLC/Expansion done right. Not some $5 gun skin, but a complete set of newly developed content that will add even more quality to the game. I'm not concerned about the price this will be a sure buy

That's great and all, except when everyone else on the road is going 5-10mph faster, your refusal to go with the flow of traffic will cause more issue than if you roughly matched speeds with people near you. But as long as your in the right lane, I won't complain

People need to get over the fact that Steam has decided what content will be allowed on their platform. All of the app stores do it even YouTube. Steam users are pampered because Steam is pretty damn loose on what they don't allow.

if someone know physics better than me have at it, but i think this is whats happening:

This is why I play at night because most of the children are in bed. Doesn't solve the problem but definitely mitigates it.

TBH, my rig is a bit better than average, so I don't really notice anything. Most computers there is a slight performance drop, but depending on the machine its hard to notice. Some graphics cards don't support borderless/windowed so you might lose out on some of their advanced features.

I concur fully. I run so many games in windowed and borderless windowed for this very reason.

Blizzard is PC gaming company so I would be hard pressed to see it come out on anything but that initially. Depending on its success they may look to porting it to other consoles in the future.

I think I'm going to have to disagree with you there, usually kids with domestic issues will try and spend as much time away from the house as possible, all the better if its something they enjoy (escape from reality), and the older they are, the less inclined they are going to say exactly where they are due to the

China is a subset of Asia, and I have seen plenty of Korean and Japanese clone games too. So Zdzichuman's comment is just fine.

My friend asks what is shadows of Mordor and I respond easily:
Picture free running of Assasin's Creed with Batman's combat engine with a Tolkien theme.

Maybe my post wasn't clear before. I never said Sauron should be the main part of this game, but if you were going to label it as a LotR game, then you're probably going to need to end up there.

If you put the two most important things for a LOTR video game behind another paywall, people may (and will) just pass on the game all together. DLC should be extra content, not something that should clearly be apart of the base experience in the first place. That being said, of course they will trying and squeeze

An added bonus is this probably helps FPS if you have an older GPU or CPU. I'd totally play this mod all the time.


And that's precisely the problem. Publishers don't care what you say, its what you spend. Somebody needs to teach gamers to stop spending money on shit that pisses them off, no matter how cool or fun it looks, otherwise the cycle will repeat.

This isn't even creative. This is just a plane advertisement. I'm surprised it doesn't have that jerky they are always advertising on the show too

Does this scream Game Grumps to anyone else?

Looks like 'dong' is on a steady rise. Ah'thank you