Sweet Violet

If I was the mother I would def want to know what Ethan was doing that incurred such wrath from his little sister. This little girl is very angry and kids don't get this angry for nothing!

Are you saying Rhayn has no right to an opinion on tattoos? Or only that she has no right to express it?

Are you saying Rhayn has no right to an opinion on tattoos? Or only that she has no right to express it?

Oh, puhleeze. Why do we keep forgetting that we are individuals and what affects me one way very likely will not have the same effect on the woman at the next table? I am 67 and look 15 years younger...and I do most of these "haggish" things and have for most of my life. My secret? Good genes. My grandmothers died in

Horse puckey...every one of the "memorable" photos have one thing in common...just ONE. They narrowed the entire face. That's it. Go back and compare them and you'll see.

When you select the face and then narrow the whole thing, the nose gets narrowed along with the head. If you look at before-and-after pics of celebs

The fact that the guy would kill the kid rather than hand him over to the mother tells me that it was not the mother who was toxic...

Horseradish! The author is so bound by her own perceptions of gender roles that she can't see the forest for the trees. Women, in their "traditional feminine" roles not only nurture, they protect as well. Being protective has nothing to do with ones sex or gender, it is a human instinct to protect those whom we love.


This is a tempest in a teapot (or a "storm in a teacup" as we say in South Africa). I am an American who has lived in South Africa for 10 years. You outsiders are reading a lot into this...we have a kind of native hut known as a rondawel that I have seen (and actually stayed in) at resorts and nobody has kicked up a

It must be genetic...

I live in South Africa and I am a woman. Gender equality is guaranteed in the Constitution; abortion is a non-issue and a woman's right; gay people can marry here; poor people can go to state hospitals where they can get free medical care, including contraception, and well-baby care (including immunizations)...I know