
This grown ass man called a fucking meeting of skilled engineers because he wasn’t getting enough attention. I have never heard one thing about Musk I would consider even a mildly redeeming quality (and I’ve heard things about Trump that I consider mildly redeeming qualities). It sucks to get fired, but I have to

I wonder if the content-makers are slowly realizing that they had a good thing going before, renting out their properties to Netflix for free money, and they blew it by trying to cut open the golden goose.

I can’t believe you had a chain restaurant experience at a chain restaurant. 

...because he doesn’t have the money. The vast majority of his wealth is tied up in the ownership of various companies and properties. He doesn’t have anywhere near that kind of liquid capital.  

I don’t understand the outrage, I don’t understand why Maya Rudolph would want to be a part of this, I don’t understand why M&M’s need personalities, nor do I understand why it’s a problem that they do.

Ok, now’s he smoking crack. 420 and no pot connection my ass.  A junior high student is aware of the term and relationship.

it’s actually kinda amazing how far the delusion of these people goes

So...can’t compare pop artists now?

Oh no, he prefers a different pop star. That monster.

You need to calm down. I like Stephen A. He does annoy the hell out of me sometimes. This was no big deal. It was an unnecessary comment but he wasn’t trying to be disrespectful.

Stock manipulation is a crime

Maybe just go back to web 1.0 where users cannot post so much as a comment.

i know she’s a Bad Person, but we don’t talk enough about how, almost more importantly, she’s a Bad Actress. i’m so fucking glad i don’t have to see her in star wars anymore.

I may be wrong, but if a CEO lays off critical staff (i.e. invoice fulfillment and payroll) and makes decisions that cuts off main revenue sources, they do have a hand in this. The article also states that this behavior of not paying rent is specifically per the instruction of Musk.

How do we feel about Rock talking shit about a black woman’s medical issues? No one gives a shit? Cool.

Hot take: while it was rude, inappropriate and unprofessional of him, and I understand a temporary ban, it was still not even fucking close to as big of a deal as people made about it. The hyperbole is insane - everyone was acting like Smith beat Rock to a pulp.

Lol, he’s got the comeback ability of a toddler too.

I’m going to have to assume you don’t see a lot of movies. Black Adam wasn’t a great movie by any stretch, but it was serviceable popcorn stuff. Probably above average by post-Nolan DC standards.

I heard it’s because the Rock is too chickenshit and candy-assed to go toe to toe with Superman.

For what it’s worth, I mostly enjoyed Black Adam.