
It isn’t that. The Black unemployment rate is 6%. Almost every able bodied Black American (94%) has a job.

...or 3) because he was investigated and cleared.

We wouldn’t have heard about it. Obama would have had a profession diplomat in place to negotiate his exit, and ASAP probably would have been home a long time ago. Americans get in trouble overseas a lot, and it’s routine to bring them home. Trump is just bad at his job and/or seeking attention while doing nothing.

It’s a privilege of White Americans to deny racism. They are just trolling, and he trolled you.

Actually, it depends on how rich you are. If you can get 3% on a $10M savings account, that is $300,000. That’s more than enough walking around money in a low inflation environment given that you probably own everything that you have.

Unlikely, Dems would take action.  Crashes happen because Republicans allow too much free market action.  Their whole financial policy it to let rich people do whatever they want.  That's generally disastrous.

Elizabeth Warren hit the nail on the head in her Medium post. If the interest rates go up with the amount of outstanding debt we have right now, it could be 2008 all over again.

From the Greys...

I’m married with kids. I’ve never assaulted anyone, and I never will.

That’s not assault. You just replied that she said no and he stopped and she could have left at any time but chose to stay.

ESPN almost certainly would have drawn more criticism and likely a boycott for suspending him. If an employee is fired or disciplined for discussing a clear example of racism, it puts ESPN on the side of racists.

How is it B.S? She said no at one point and he did stop. When she wanted to leave, she was allowed.

Let ‘em fight. Let ‘em fight.

He was publicly embarrassed, because his date wouldn’t go home. She went home with him. She engaged in oral sex with him. She asked him to stop and he did. Instead of going home, she stayed and watched TV. She has agency too.

There was no reason to be suspicious of the guy. It was broad daylight on a busy city street. When asked, he gave a reasonable response, did not run, and did not act aggressively. There was absolutely no reason to call the cops, and his own kid was telling him it was stupid. When he did call the cops, the guys stayed

Literally no one in my family has had this problem and we live to be in our 90s. Between health insurance, pensions, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and life insurance, there is plenty of money. It seems like maybe you family isn’t all the way there yet but is knowledgeable enough to buy the house. I would

He still doesn’t get it. White people always have an excuse for why they aren’t racist. That’s the problem. Most white folks are exactly like him in that they don’t know (or acknowledge) that they may be racist.

Sigh, you could have had a 50 kill Team Rumble. I would have gone on an all out murder spree. That’s my dream scenario.  I'm capped at a high of 25 because other players get kills and end the match.

No, I didn’t miss those facts. I actually addressed them already. If you can’t make a mortgage, you also can’t make rent. You would be evicted and credit ruined in either scenario.

Again, you don’t understand.