
This isn’t a Democratic ploy. He’s just a shitty guy getting his comeuppance. Three different credible women, one of which has passed a lie detector test, have come forward. Here’s how he can resolve it. He can take a lie detector test like the woman did and dispute here claim. Both you and I know there is a 0.00%

I hope they do this for more games. I’ve been gaming for 20 years and always was a Playstation guy. My kid’s friends all have Xbox, so I had to switch so that he can play with them. Now I can go back to Playstation.

You approached it the wrong way. I always go on offense. Next time, ask these questions.

I hope she gets closure and he dies lonely and alone in jail. Also, I like her hair.  

No, I have empathy. If you held the belief that you were the best thing ever and that notion was shattered, you would be pretty hurt, angry, scared, and defensive. They are still miles ahead of everyone else, but the writing is on the wall.

No, that is completely not true. No one is against white men being in power. We are against mediocre white men being in power simply because they are white men.

Once upon a time, yeah, some American president might have performed the empty noblesse oblige–ass theater of withdrawing a judicial nominee who’d become as toxic and controversial as Brett Kavanaugh, whose nomination had turned into a referendum on the political parties’ respective views on something as grave and

I don’t need to steel man my opponent, because that’s who Republicans are.

Republican Sentence 1: African Americans need to realize that we are always Americans first and stop identifying as groups and support our troops and respect our flag.

Kevin Spacey has won no Emmys.

There are no “shitty white actors” who won Emmys.  They were all excellent actors likely deserving of the award.  Maybe some of these actors deserved it more, but you don’t need to tear other people down to build yourself up.

Did Osaka care about a guy making hand motions on the far end of the court likely out of visible range with her commanding lead and dominating performance? If you gave her truth serum, would Osaka say she wanted a clean U.S. Open victory or a shitshow where the umpire took a point away? He made himself the story.

I’m disputing all of it. Do you honestly think Naomi Osaka cared? Do you honestly think Osaka wasn’t going to win anyway? The victim of this Umpire is Osaka, not Serena. He has robbed her of a clean U.S. Open victory as well as the publicity she deserves.  Instead of reading about the new face of tennis, I’m reading

Do you think Naomi Osaka wanted the call made and penalty assessed? Do you think she wants her U.S. Open Championship tainted by this? Do you think that she is upset that these articles are all about the Umpire and Serena, and none of the articles are about her?

The rule is subjective. He decided to make the call when many others haven’t. This was not a foot fault or an in/out call that is called 100% of the time. This was him deciding to interject himself into a U.S. Open Championship match.

I did not think Serena would win based on how the match was going. The umpire robbed Osaka of having a free and clear U.S. Open championship and made a scene with likely the best tennis player ever.  He made the match about himself, and he should be fired for it. 

He never should have taken the game away.  Umpires don’t decide championships.  It’s that simple. 

It’s likely he or she is extremely intelligent. People who are very smart often are very literal and precise, and they interpret information in different ways than “regular” people. That “quirk” makes excellent doctors, but often creates people who can’t function well in society.

You’re right, but probably way too soon. You are underestimating Obama. Obama kept personal debt low by keeping restrictions on Home equity loans and home loans. Obama basically idiot proofed the economy, but there’s a massive idiot in the White House that even he can’t protect against.

I’ve been saying this from the start.  Only 3 or 4 countries have this tech, and Cuba definitely isn’t one.  Putin wanted to push Cuba out of the American sphere and back into his lap.  He succeeded, because the President wasn’t smart enough to understand what was going on.