
Going to go eat breakfast before work so that time doesn’t slow down and make my day feel even longer than it already is. Thank for the hot tip, digital bros.

I once spotted a couple of young barn owls looking out the top hatch of an unused silo, 30 feet up. I was 100 feet from the silo, pointing a flashlight at them, casually saying to my dad, “Look at the baby owls! I wonder where their mom is?” As soon as I said this, the flashlight beam was filled with a huge white

He literally described himself as an Independent in that press release the other week saying that he was going to give a response to the SOTU in addition to the Democratic response.

More truck than most people/families need. Good choice an welcome to the cult!

Guess what?!?

I hope someone cracks this case, and cracks it soon.

I’m starting to think that its POC that should be wearing body cameras 100% of the time, and not just the police.

Since when do credible sexual assault allegations lead to someone not getting a job?

Drake texts a 14 year old girl about boys, while also having a “friendship” with a 16 year old model who he may or may not be dating now at 18 years old.

His net worth is essentially his stock in Amazon. He doesn’t actually have access to nearly that amount of money. If he were to liquidate his entire position in Amazon it would have drastic effects. 

Did you.... did you not read the blog? I even specifically referenced that post. You think this is amateur hour? You think this is a GAME?

There are worse things to be on the news for than “DIPPED CHICKEN FINGER IN COKE.”

I can’t say anything because I made Coke/Cola Chicken last night. Cola (I used Dr. Pepper), ketchup, Worcestershire Sauce, onion and garlic power. Mix, heat in a pan, add cooked chicken, simmer for half an hour. Boom. Delicious. It makes a rich barbecue sauce with some great flavor.

Q: What did the ocean say to the sailboat?

I love that guy. I don’t believe what he’s saying, but I do believe that he believes what he’s saying and that he’s passionate about it. It doesn’t really hurt anybody so, for the most part, I’m cool with it. Giorgio Tsoukalos (the hair guy) went to my daughter’s university campus a couple years ago to test out

Glad Miss Trunchbull found work after Crunchem Hall. Those kids are going to be eating a lot of cake.

Can we scrap the new Nicki Minaj album in favor of a new Tracy Chapman album?

In related news, Trump announced that he will nominate Dr. Joseph Mengele for Surgeon General. 

Guess a movie doesn’t begin at conception either.

Auto Mechanic: I see the problem