I love when men are described as wearing a "top." It seems like just a gentle nudge away from "blouse."
I love when men are described as wearing a "top." It seems like just a gentle nudge away from "blouse."
I went to a theater recently that had recliner seats (this was not known to me when choosing a theater location) and it was AMAZING. I am a fidgeter and always uncomfortable in normal theater seats. One of the better times I've had at a movie theater.
Eh, I like Avatar. The effects really are great, and while the story's certainly rote, it's told reasonably effectively, and doesn't detract from the glorious spectacle.
That's what I love about the Mormon God. He is so fucking accommodating to whatever the Mormons need.
Once, the KKK stopped the Church for protesting a soldier's funeral, because we live in a weird fucking country.
Can we please stop these kinds of posts? You're just cross-promoting a YouTube video that I could watch on my own if I cared (AND it has nothing to do with gaming). Not to mention, a lot of the "wrong" things in these videos are just things the narrator didn't like.
The "you kept wanting to raise the bar!" comment makes me think maybe the reason they didn't do it the night before he left is because he wanted whatever the next thing was, but she didn't want to because she was already outside her comfort zone. Then he chose no sex over the exact act(s) he wanted and that's the…
Everything is a teachable moment! My dress clothes are comfortable and express my individuality. Having style is a lesson best learned early. It's a perfect opportunity to exercise critical thinking skills (what can I get away with, how can I make these rules work WITH my individuality), creativity within…
This is absolutely disgusting. I've gone a long time pretending this shit didn't exist, and that was perfectly fine until it started getting thrown in my fucking face. This has gone too far. Now I'm going to have to explain to my children that OWN is an actual TV network.
You completely missed just murdering each and every one of them.
I believe that there are certain qualities that may be worthy of rape.
Yes, see, 'cause if the gubment gets uppity, something something assault rifle beats predator drone.
I'm tired of being cynical about the next COD release. This one actually makes me optimistic.
Titanfall isn't original either. I'm sick of that argument every time their is a new game trailer for anything. As far as futuristic FPS' go, I'd say it's different looking enough. It's been done to death, so I say we just let them do it again in their own COD way. For the first time since MW2, I'll bite.
I'm betting on the handheld/tv hybrid myself. Mobile electronics have advanced so fast it is very possible. There will be a base connected to the tv that the handheld can wirelessly communicate with for tv play. In some ways, it will be the reverse of the Wiiu, where the wiiu contains most of the brain power in the…
I was really struck by this article that this couple could possibly survive if they had enough money to leave the country....or maybe enough money to buy off the girls' family (possibly?). I know journalists are supposed to stay objective and not interfere in the lives of the people they write about, but at some…
I'm christian and I think it would be cool if people dressed as any religon just for fun.
Respawn has already mentioned some fixes coming soon on twitter.
I felt like the campaign hurt my performance in the actual matches. When I actually paid attention to what the various characters were saying, I lost focus on the match and get beat. When I focused on the match I couldn't pay attention to the story.
I STILL dont understand people who invert the Y axis. First time I sat down to a game with inverted axis I thought the controller was broken.