
I feel your pain. Every year we tell our selves that this is the year we are going to scale back and every year we fail. My kid loves two things - LEGOs and trains. For two years now he has asked for the Lego passenger train. We have always said no it is too expensive, well this year he threw down the gauntlet, he

So far my 6-year old loves the Ouya... I joke but he does use it more then anyone. And when I have played it, I mostly use it as an emulator.

I haven't had the connection issues, but I am right there with you on everything else. But you left out the search function... so far unless I type in the exact name of the software I am looking for it wont find it.

Have they mentioned a price point yet?

I did miss their take over...

My Star Trek cannon is a little rusty, wasn't Khan part of a group of super soldiers the were exiled/imprisoned. So the "Family" he is talking about could be the other soldiers. He could be Khan without this being a remake of Wrath of Khan. This could be a remake of his episode of TOS. Also having Marcus in the

I did too at first. But so far in the second season they have really pulled her back in and make me care about her.

Nice to know I am not alone.

I am making my way through the second season of Vampire Diaries right now, and while I voted for Castiel I really like Caroline on VD. There have been a few episodes when I was more interested in her subplot then the main story. Of course I am probably in a minority on this.

Just dont picture it as post-it notes.


I was surprised that they aren't goign to have a LTE version, but I can understnad why. I wonder what the slaes ratio (Wifi vs. 4G) on the iPad. I know when we bought ours we opted for the Wifi only model and got the larger storage.

I remember seeing a movie in the early to mid-nineties about a scam in Africa where con men would bring cheetah’s to a dog track for an exhibition race. They would then set up side bets and rake it in because everyone assumed the cheetah would win.

I could be wrong but here are my thoughts. The first time we deploy an AKM we are giving it to our enemy. Sure we could build in a safe guard self-destruct system if a unit goes down, but I can almost guarantee at least one of those will fail. And my second thought is, if these are developed and used the continental

And that is why Mel Gibson is out. He tarnished his name too much in the past few years. Which is a shame cause now we just get another action movie that is going to disappoint. I could be wrong, but I am having a hard time thinking of a single action movie recently that hasn't been just more of the same.

First off I am a big fan of Tom Hardy. But am I the only person that would like to see an aged, exhausted Mad Max. I really enjoyed Rocky Balboa and what Stallone did with the character. I would like to see Mad Max having lived far longer than he should have, tired of all the chaos. I am not all that interested in

I figured that out from the trailer. You see her running from one bear and then another bear reaching for her (looking as worried/scared as a bear can). Also combine that with the three bear cubs running around all crazy, just like the little brothers.

This is great. There are some really helpful ideas in here. I have bee nstuck for a while on a piece I am working on and I think #9 just might help me get past it.

I don’t think Sony will ever let that happen. I am sure they will price the licensing high enough to keep the Xbox, nextBox, and afterthatBox Bluray free. whether that is a good decision on their part or not I will leave for wiser men then me.

I just picked up a ROKU XS this weekend, and so far have been very happy. It replaced our first Gen Roku which was still mostly working. One feature I was really impressed with was the USB port. I plugged in our Digital Video Cam and it let me watch the videos without any problems.