Legless Legolas' LEGO Lass

Author: Wendy’s New Peppermint Frosty Has a Flavor You’ll Recognize

My Dumbass Brain: IS IT PEPPERMINT?

Yeah, sorry, should have been more specific. Boa imperators are more common pets, and they’re slimmer than some other boas. You’re probably pulling info from a red tailed boa? They’re chunky cousins.

It’s kinda hard to track because most people that list out boa sizes just call them all boa constrictors.

Worth mentioning that a 12 foot boa’s healthy weight is around 13 lbs.

I get that he’s more “chunky”, but if anything he’s heavier than I would expect lol.

Congratulations, you declared that the sun would rise and you were correct.

Everyone saw this train wreck coming lol

My view has always been that it’s perfectly fine to play however you would enjoy the game most. If that’s easy with god mode enabled, or with extra personal challenges to make it even harder for you, more power to you.

Games are made to entertain, if you’re having fun you’re doing it right (obviously excluding ruining

Interesting that your name comes from a game that takes about 8 hours to beat for a first playthrough.

Yeah, I’ve come to reach that conclusion too. I’m tired of games filled to the brim with gimmicks and collectables and achievements to make you play their game for hundreds of hours, while hopefully spending hundreds of dollars on DLC, currency and battlepasses.

I pretty much just emulate or play indie games now.

6. They’re vaccinated.

If they didn’t have bots to complain about, they’d have long wait times instead. It’s still better than Artifact, I think they peak at 30 players at this point.

Honestly between 2 different 360s giving me a red ring of death, losing 3 controllers to joycon drift, and my ps4 crashing to the menu a couple times a session I find my PC to be more reliable than any console I’ve owned since the PS2.

Only time I have a PC game crash is when I fuck up by installing a lot of shitty

I feel like step 1 should be: Don’t be significantly taller than the couch is long.

I’m 6'5" and if I have to choose between laying down weird on a too short couch or the floor, I’ll take the floor. Better a stiff back in the morning than a truly messed up one.

They can do that with voice chat on too.

No, what I mean is if you can choose to fight trainers, then you can make some of those trainers much tougher than they have been in normal pokemon.

I know I’m being way too optimistic of gamefreak, but it would be cool if trainers had flags to show that some are harder than others, since they all seem to be optional now. Like, if you just want exp you can mow em all down but if you don’t wanna deal with the guy who has 6 magikarps then just go for ace trainers or

I caught a streamer playing scorn, and I’m very glad I did. For a world seemingly made entirely of living parts and creatures, it’s an incredibly lifeless setting. Felt like someone tried to graft a game to some scenery and it didn’t really work.

I went from kind of interested to removing it from my wishlist within

Purely from the title I thought this was a cross-posted Onion article making fun of the airline employee shortages or something. Good for her though, that’s really cool.

It’s nuts that one of the richest companies in the world is competing with Second Life and losing. Also nuts that I just checked and Second Life is about 8 months away from its 20th birthday.

And that’s understandable, but don’t expect buyers to overlook the faults that you’ve learned to ignore.

Next they’ll be complaining about brown dwarfs in star trek.

...I’ll see myself out.

*Sighs in disgust at the Wii U*