Cool, this all sounds absolutely awful. I am too old and have too much going on to play any game that takes “100+” hours to “get going”. All that tells me is that you have an absolutely unfathomable amount of uninteresting content bloat.
Cool, this all sounds absolutely awful. I am too old and have too much going on to play any game that takes “100+” hours to “get going”. All that tells me is that you have an absolutely unfathomable amount of uninteresting content bloat.
I’m sure this is going to sound to you like I’m defending some kind of white supremacist angle because yeah, I read the linked article but for the love of god can we get off this nonsense horse already and stop acting like a game set in a FANTASY world is supposed to have racial representation? Yeah maybe Square…
He states in the video that a cow only needs grass and rain water to make meat. This is true. For one cow. At the economies of scale needed to sustain the current beef industry, that statement is literal bullshit. The video completely ignores the amount of resources required to produce current levels of beef.
I will take the “barebones” interface of Epic or the Nintendo Switch 1000 times out of 1000 over a cluttered nightmare of multiple menu locations and sidebars like Steam or Spotify. I have absolutely no idea why so many people seem to absolutely hate clear and simplified UI, maybe it’s that everyone’s serotonin has…
You can’t embrace Lovecraft or allow him among your circle though.
The difference is that Lovecraft is dead and his works are out of copyright. No one’s enriching him by engaging with his stories.
Please go touch grass.
Any attempt at comment from the alleged shooter or their legal representation? Forgive me if I don’t take Cook’s “simple practical joke” statement at face value.
I don’t think he was ‘making demands’. He said ‘This is how I do my voice. If this is good for you, then cool.’ Blame the producers, if anyone. Seth was just upfront about how is performance would be and they still hired him despite that warning.
No I understood it, just grew tired of the resource management, dish crafting and meter watching. It broke the game pacing for me and wasn’t exactly what I wanted from a Zelda game. Appreciate it for what it accomplished, just not for me.
Us “haters” didn’t misunderstood, we just didn’t like it.
Counterpoint: good parents don’t put their kids in harm’s way, time and time again, from a young age. He’s continuously leaving his wife and child to train. There’s a bunch more but this is cherry picking at best, and even what you cherry pick isn’t what I would want out of my father lol
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and guess that you didn’t just intentionally insult my intelligence. If that’s the case, and I hope it is, I just want you to be *aware* of the fact that it could very easily be taken that way. “Read any/most books.” is a sentence that really tempts me, in a knee…
How did far cry 4 make the list over, say, link to the past? as the list says, “any game where you can hang-glide over a waterfall is fine by me”. and you know what? they’re right! that ruled! and if that makes it one of their favourite games of all time, then it deserves a spot on their list.
An ignorant comment that jumped the gun without knowing anything? What a surprise.
I too like to ignore the facts and reading the articles and jump directly to commenting without being informed first.
Nintendo? This is Namco Bandai’s fault. This isn’t even a Nintendo exclusive game. Nor is it the first time Namco has screwed up re-releasing this game.
It absolutely isn’t when compared to what Russia is doing to Ukraine. But I’m glad you acknowledge your comment is, indeed, harcore whataboutism.
Boomer generation has left the world worse off than the one they were born into. I don’t see that as controversial or debatable.
Not sure why you’re saying fans like it’s ironic. Yes, if the sequel to a series they’ve been waiting on for years comes out and is a fundamentally different type of game, many of them will be disappointed. That’s not new or hard to understand.