Obvious jokes tend to be funny, at a minimum. Acting like a horrible parent on the internet as a joke isn’t really funny for people who spend their whole career dealing with terrible people in person.
Obvious jokes tend to be funny, at a minimum. Acting like a horrible parent on the internet as a joke isn’t really funny for people who spend their whole career dealing with terrible people in person.
Yeah and if it had gotten a bigger base, but not big enough, google would be looking at a whole lot more to refund and they’d have been stuck with a promise to do so.
I’d bet the only reason they’re willing to do refunds anyway is they’re probably pulling from funding already allotted to Stadia and realized some…
No, they’ll charge you for the food and the disruption and then kick you out. It’s not carte blanche to avoid being a parent.
If a good one fails, you probably only need a new PSU. If a bad one fails, you’re probably going to need a new PC. Spend the extra $40 or so (it’s been a while since I’ve part shopped but the difference between a cheap no name model from amazon and a gold rated PSU with…
Yes, there was a repair mechanic. You’d take a weapon to a bench and pay cash (based on the level, rarity, and how damaged it is) to fix it. I don’t remember it being unreasonably priced, so as long as the devs are careful about giving you enough inventory so you can have enough space to cycle through before something…
All this, plus Ned’s big “thing” was being the husband/family man. That shtick won’t go over as well if he had stayed on the team.
Plus, lying to your wife, coworkers, and best friends about having an affair with someone that you’re essentially the boss of would kill your career with basically any non-corrupt group.
Yeah, assuming a match is 10 minutes (which seems optimistic, from what I remember for overwatch) that’s nearly 17 hours of playing just to get out of what’s being sold as “the tutorial”.
I’d look at that and go play a game that I can finish in that timeframe instead, though I admit that I basically have no patience…
It’s still nuts that I got a ps4 slim with the uncharted games for $200. Not gonna see a dip like that for a long time with consoles, if ever again.
Yeah, no matter what they put out I’m sure it’ll be better than the 1070 I currently have. If it’s a comparable product for half the price, nvidia is in trouble.
Looking forward to an AMD conference that mirrors Sony destroying SEGA...
I think you’re giving him too much credit. He’s going to go on stage, shit on it, fail to answer any questions, and then tell his constituents that he won the debate. And they’ll lap it up.
That’s been the republican strategy for about 10 years now, ever since Trump proved it worked vs Clinton.
Is it neat? Yes.
Is it twenty thousand dollars neat? Fuck no.
Really though, I think this is the first direct where I wasn’t really interested in anything. The new Zelda, maybe, but I wasn’t a huge fan of BotW and time has only cooled my enthusiasm. I’ll probably still play it at some point but it’s definitely a “wait and see if it’s more of the same” kinda deal.
Not even early route birds, honestly. Braviary, dodrio, swablu and chatot are all late route acquisitions. Hell, braviary evolves at like 55 lol. And non-mammals/non-bird normals (excluding porygon which IMO should have been electric) have been around since gen 3 with kekleon. Arguably gen 2 since dunsparce... seems…
Normal is for more... “animal” kinds of pokemon, generally (obviously exceptions like regigigas). An aye-aye is a real critter so normal makes sense, and poisonous paint is a fairly appropriate twist.
As far as competitive, normal types typically have a pretty broad movepool, especially the early ones (while not…
It’s a far way to operate though, given that there’s too many good games as it is. I didn’t like sims 1-3, if EA announced a sims 4 I wouldn’t waste any time reading reviews. If I didn’t enjoy prey, I wouldn’t enjoy a remake.
I played 06 prey. Didn’t remember much of it except that I didn’t think it was worth $60 and hearing about a “remake” was enough to make me ignore it. I seriously doubt I’m alone, if you heard someone was making a new game from a series you tried and didn’t care for, how much research are you going to do?
Sony saw what people were willing to pay scalpers and figured they could get a bigger cut for themselves.
It’s fairly easy to grow from “cuttings”. Presumably the vegetable is still alive after transport, it wouldn’t be that hard for someone wanting to grow their own to buy some at a store and put it in a pond or tank. Since it grows over 2 feet a week I can understand them being heavy handed here.
Stuff with very little to no moisture is often safe for a very long time too. Syrups like honey, corn syrup, maple syrup, etc. As long as it’s sealed from water getting in, stuff can’t grow in it because it there’s not enough water to support life. That said, if it’s old check for floaters because water is often less…