Did you seriously forget that towing is a thing that happens?
Did you seriously forget that towing is a thing that happens?
Might be talking about the variant pokemon from legends of arceus? It’s set in the past.
It is Tennessee? Not as red as they get but I doubt they’re all that gun-averse.
Man, I would normally never ever buy a FIFA game.
But for 6 cents I’d sure consider it.
Yeah, it’s BS. Just like using engines in NASCAR. Get out and run those damn laps themselves, or it doesn’t count.
Not most of them. Casters generally are fairly simple unless they have weird class mechanics to make it more complicated. I’d say only the oracle, magus, and summoner (and maybe psychic? Just came out so too early to tell) are bad choices for people new to the system. For those it’s not the spells that make it complex…
God help you if you cast a spell using your bonus action because you just made things a whole lot more complicated though lol. That one little weird rules quirk is the source of thousands of fights on the internet and at the table.
Paizo (the company that makes pathfinder/starfinder/2e) has an open gaming license, so almost everything is available for use and redistribution. Nethys and pathbuilder have their blessing, and nethys even is officially supported. dnd wikis and character builders generally have to fly under the radar because if they…
FYI, since I see you live in Texas: Your DL has a tiny phone # on the back for Texas Roadside Assistance, you can call that number for a free tow.
I’d like to plug my current favorite tabletop, pathfinder 2e.
The handbook is so large because it’s basically a player’s guide and the DMG in a single book. Content, including creatures, classes, ancestries, spells, and items come out frequently, as opposed to 5e’s design philosophy of one class every decade or so.
So, maybe a dumb question but: I’ve played (and gotten close to the end) xenoblade 1, own the wii u game but never opened it (xenoblade x?) and never played 2. Would it be ok to jump into 3, or should I really play 2 first?
I’m assuming it’s safe to avoid playing the wii u game since hardly anyone seems to have played…
After watching blizzard and/or activision go from being good (or at least not outright evil) companies to absolutely monstrous shitbirds I’m never giving them another cent.
I guess I just don’t get the hype. It was a fine game, I guess, but it felt like a classic point and click adventure game, in 3D. With all the baggage that comes with that style of game.
It cost $30, took about 3 hours to beat, and I have no real desire to play it again, and probably never will. It reminded me very…
It’s a no for me, but not a hell no. This is a car that I would at least be interested in for a lower price. It’s a talking point with a running motor, if nothing else.
I suspect it’ll find a buyer for $15k, it just wouldn’t be me.
Yeah it took me a while to realize that the assassining was my least favorite parts of the assassin’s creed series.
...Well, the tedious modern world stuff was the worst. But I really just liked the exploration, platforming, and the very rare puzzle.
And the open world piracy, but that’s not surprising. I had hundreds…
Every time I consider buying or installing a ubisoft game I remember that means I also have to deal with uplay, and then I just play something else. I think the last ubisoft game I paid for was black flag, and I got it for...$7, I think?
Mostly it’s to show off a designer’s abilities. Being able to make something technically difficult, interesting, unique, and fit it to a model is all a way to flex your abilities and get commissions for things people will actually wear, and contracts with clothing companies.
But it’s also art. Sure, some of it is…