Legless Legolas' LEGO Lass

Way back in the day I beat this with a friend. Iron skull made it a huge pain in the ass, and I think we died a fair amount but not as much as you’d normally expect. Once we figured out that we needed to work together to focus down high priority enemies one at a time it went much smoother.

I would hate to do it alone

I would be shocked if there’s not a foot masseuse sim or nail salon sim somewhere.

And they’ll call it Rusreal and Rusunity.

Very confused, apparently. You’re quoting two different commenters.

I wanted it too. I was an edgy teen and a hearse would’ve been the coolest car ever. At least at the time lol

Trying to buy my first car, went to a used dealership called Lazarus Motors. Only things in my price range was a hearse that didn’t run, a pontiac that someone had died in based on the huge blood stain in the passenger footwell, and a SUV in rough shape. Tried the SUV for a test drive anyway. The steering was so

I vote that we ignore Polium and call it a TWOUYA. 

Now playing

There’s a resident evil indie homage that I caught and immediately wishlisted on steam. Game’s called Alisa, for being made by one person it apes the feel of classic resident evil pretty well, at least so it seems from the speedrun.

A capital Hyper Gamer. At least they give us a heads up with the name.

I was going to give a shoutout to dilberta from banjo tooie but apparently she’s a mole.

This is the strangest internet argument I’ve seen this week.

This is going to be an even bigger obstacle to owning a home than avocado toast and netflix subscriptions.

Please no. I didn’t care for Legends at all. The battling system was horrible, catching was a fun minigame I guess but I don’t want “hide in grass and chuck balls at their back” to become the series standard. Pretty much the only thing that game is good for is shitting out a bunch of shinies, and honestly that’s very

Fried corn nuggets are also good.

Luke’s point is that if nintendo could stop it, then they would. So if they can’t other similar projects should hold up too.

Not to defend Blizzard’s games, but one thing to keep in mind is how sneaky D:I is with their monetization. They want someone good and hooked before they start trying to reel a sucker in. 2 weeks may not have been enough time for a lot of people to open their wallets.

Yeah, it’s not performing as high as genshin

Not sure where he got nazis but yeah, 100% a troll lol

Holding out for an Artifact 2 lol

Haha, classic TF2.

I have no idea how I got hundreds of hours in the cesspit.