Buddy, bell curves are a term in statistics. Nothing to do with nazis or mental disabilities. End of the bell curve means you’re just statistically one of the very few who enjoyed that game. Either you’re very sheltered, or you’re the troll here.
Buddy, bell curves are a term in statistics. Nothing to do with nazis or mental disabilities. End of the bell curve means you’re just statistically one of the very few who enjoyed that game. Either you’re very sheltered, or you’re the troll here.
I don’t think you know what ableist is.
Yes and some people stick buzz lightyear action figures up their ass. You’re just at the end of the bell curve for sonic 06, no shame in that.
He looks like a distended testicle, so maybe he got a wax?
Yeah, water/flying is great. Pelipper is also great now that it has drizzle. Hurricanes that don’t miss, boosted scalds, roost, uturn and defog? Pelipper is a monster.
I’ve played pokemon since I got red for my gameboy color, and I still enjoy the new games. Yeah, they’re probably too easy for me now but I still like exploring and raising a team that slaughters all opposition.
FWIW, ALL pokemon games are easy. The elite 4 in red and blue still have plenty of pokemon still using…
People generally don’t want to admit that they were suckered, at least until someone comes forward first. Plus, any inconsistencies in your copy can be pretty easy to explain away if you’ve never seen another one in person (or at least for no significant length of time) and you bought it from a “reputable” seller.
yeah my adblock has 36 things blocked on this page alone and 2/3 of my screen is a white void where my ads would normally be. Plus this place is more or less unusable on a phone and I’d bet that was a significant portion of their viewers.
Update, bumped to 43 things blocked by the time I finished typing the paragraph.
Yeah I had that thought about reader engagement a few days ago (in the shower, as all good ponderings come from). A few years ago an article with high engagement could expect a thousand comments or so, now the upper end is a couple hundred. Most don’t even seem to break 50.
I wouldn’t be surprised if total readers are…
Followed (confusingly) by Prebius: The Prequel.
Yeah, I preordered it, and put about 80 hours into it. Didn’t do everything, but I had fun and got my money’s worth. Really not the trainwreck the PS4 crowd would have you believe.
My favorite teaser at the end is when Vegeta shows up, points his scouter at Jared Leto, and announces that his power level is over Morbillion.
Really looking forward to the sequel.
Lol, it happens. Everyone has a math brainfart and posts it publicly somewhere. You’re still in your edit timeframe if you want to fix it, otherwise you’ll have a lot of people dogpile you for weeks.
Uh.... Are you showing where Claire messed up the math, or are you falling into the same trap she did? You’re doing the formula to convert C to F (in total) but you don’t add 32 for a differential. 10C is 50F but going from 0C to 10C is going from 32 to 50. IE, 18 degrees Fahrenheit.
I loved bioshock but the switch ports are buggy as hell. I’ve tried to play it twice and had the game freeze pretty far into an area, and saves are few and far between in that game so it’s usually back to the beginning of the zone. Nothing kills my desire to keep playing like having to do the same thing all over again.
Understandable. The way I look at it is redundancy; sure I may already have it on steam but it never hurts to have it somewhere else just in case.
Shit, I think the high today is supposed to be 102 here. I’d kill for a day in the 70s.
Blossom Tales is a cute 2D zelda-like, if you’re fishing for suggestions. A little easier and not quite as magical, but it’s a cheap game and still enjoyable.
Can’t go without recommending okami either. Fantastic and beautiful game and it feels so like a zelda that it’s uncanny.