Remember when Ann Romney was crucified for wearing $2000 blouses and riding expensive horses?
Remember when Ann Romney was crucified for wearing $2000 blouses and riding expensive horses?
They have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing
This version may be a little better.
Texas is not uniformly conservative. It is a sea of red with blue islands where the major cities are. Houston had a gay mayor for many years. Many Texas municipalities want to pass fracking bans and plastic bag bans and measures to protect LGBTQ people, but the Governor and state legislature have taken action to…
And Houston (Harris County) just elected a liberal lady DA, Kim Ogg, whose primary platform plank was dismissing marijuana cases (already decriminalized in the city).
And Jefferson Co. Tx just elected the state’s first black woman sheriff.
and we still care because now they’re billionaires/wildly successful, award winning fashion designers!
For me, this election is different. This isn’t my dad voting for Romney and then having a measured discussion about tax rates or trade deals or even a sane discussion about women’s rights. This is my dad emailing me vile memes and filth about a woman presidential candidate. This is my dad calling me to yell “we…
my sister voted to take my health insurance away, knowing I have a pre-existing condition and knowing I will die without treatment. She doesn’t love me, because love is something you do.
To me that’s fucking hilarious and good for you. I guess your co workers are a little too PC?
Hopefully today will be my first full day of work. Yesterday I was sent home, “not as a reprimand, but to calm down and get some perspective.”
Seriously I want to slap those rural white voters and yell at them that no, just because Trump is president doesn’t mean an unskilled high school dropout will magically get a $25 per hour factory job in the middle of cow pastures and soybean fields. Yes your benefits and food stamps will get cut some more like what…
I fail to see why term limits for congressmen are any better or worse than term limits for POTUS. I mean the only reason to have either is to prevent repeated election. By the same token I don’t see how some form of limit would be any more detrimental for congress than it is for POTUS.
One bright note, he may be a problem that solves himself by getting impeached.
Shock is a luxury. No time for luxury anymore. Time to organize, protest, volunteer.
His minions craved a strong dose of keeping it real followed by a chaser of telling it like it is- they didn’t realize the side effects included insanity, evil, loss of their fellow humans’ respect and death.
This is modern day Nazi Germany in it’s infancy. We need to stamp it out before it gets too powerful.
I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. That loop has been playing in my head all day.
I’ve had my copper IUD for 3 years. I sometimes hate it; it gives me the worst cramps I’ve ever had. But right now, I do not regret it one bit. I’ll take the cramps, thanks.